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My odyssey with Microsoft and a SP2017 with swollen battery


Active Member
I've been dealing, first via online chat and subsequently via e-mail, with Microsoft to replace my Surface Pro 2017 with a battery that swelled up enough to push the screen from its frame:

SP2017_bulge.02.jpg SP2017_bulge.03.jpg

This occurred in September 2018 within days of my arrival in Mexico for a three-month visit.

Although *finally* Microsoft agreed to send me a replacement unit in late December 2018, I still haven't received it. Needless to say, I'm quite frustrated and don't know where to turn next. I'm not fond of the way the USA (I'm a US citizen living in Thailand) has become a litigious society, but should I be seeking legal counsel?

Here is a PDF file of my online communications with Microsoft so far. (There is one e-mail entirely in Thai that I couldn't embed in the PDF file as text, so it's an image of a screenshot.)
Must be very frustrating. Thanks for posting.

If Microsoft agreed to send a replacement about six weeks ago, you are well on the way to a remedy.
Must be very frustrating. Thanks for posting.

If Microsoft agreed to send a replacement about six weeks ago, you are well on the way to a remedy.
Not sure what you mean. That I should just sit tight and wait since Microsoft is remedying the situation? Or, that I should seek self-help and sue the pants off of Microsoft as a remedy?