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SP2017 screen bulge


Active Member
Oh, cr@p:


I just noticed this about an hour ago. Pretty sure I would have noticed it earlier if it was like that.

I purchased the SP2017 in Thailand (where I live) in Aug 2017, so the "Standard limited warranty coverage" for "One year of warranty for hardware defects and malfunctions" has passed.

What are the chances that the bulge is caused by an expanding battery? ISTR reading here that someone who had an expanding battery was advised by Microsoft to return the computer for replacement (repair?).

Although I live in Thailand, I just landed in Merida, Mexico where I'll be until Christmas. Fat chance of finding a Microsoft service center, or even a Microsoft store, here.

What are my viable and best options? What would be the best e-mail address at Microsoft to contact?

[edited to add:]
PS: I googled for Surface Support and was lead to the Microsoft Support page with my registered devices, and even though my credit card receipt verifies I purchased the SP2017 on 23-Aug-2017, this is what the Microsoft page shows, so I may be covered by warranty still:


I spent about an hour in an online chat and their "Escalation" people will contact me within 72 hours for resolution. The online chat agent tried to call me at my Mexico cell phone, but kept getting a single ring and then a busy signal, so that attempt was aborted but I give them credit for even trying.
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I'm apprehensive, not because of the way Microsoft might handle the situation (another poster was properly handled and they got a new/refurbished SP in return, I believe), but about going cold turkey with no computer for possibly a period of weeks. Back home in Thailand I have a functioning Surface 3, a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro and a i3-6300 desktop computer sitting in a closet. Here in Mexico, it's the SP or nothing. :eek:

To add to the sting, the bulge appeared within 12 hours of me landing in Mexico...
While I'm waiting for the process to play out (I've been contacted by the Escalation team -- they requested an additional photo and are now waiting to hear from their engineering team) I thought I'd share some of the possible "warning signs" that I didn't recognize as such at the time:

1. The backlight leakage at the area where the bulge later appeared gradually grew larger/brighter over the past couple months

2. There were several instances where the battery would indicate the charger was "plugged in, but not charging" (when the battery was substantially below 100% charged)

3. Three times in the last couple months (and once more today) the computer just shut down without notice

If you are experiencing any/all of these symptoms, you may be heading for trouble.

[edited to add:]

4. HWMonitor battery stats:

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Plugged in, not charging is a common "issue". Not sure how to solve it, but it doesn't bother me that much
Well, this just took an ugly turn. I've been in contact with Microsoft via online chat and e-mail, and just got this cheery little tidbit from them via e-mail:
I see that you are currently in an unsupported country. If you can provide an alternative address in a supported country (like your address in Thailand), I can work with my team to have a replacement device sent there. You would be responsible for shipping any replacement device from the address that you provide to your current address.

What the heck??? Microsoft doesn't support Mexico?
The weirdest bit is that you need to send it from your home address? Don't see why that would matter at all... frustrating. Have you got any further with this?
I'm still in battery limbo. Finally (just yesterday) Microsoft conceded and said they can set up a third party to pick up my defective computer from Mexico. They strongly advised me not to travel with the computer by air, nor to ship it via mail or courier by myself, due to fire hazard.

Of course, they also advised me to keep the SP2017 powered off and unplugged, but I'm living on the edge here and still using the computer, although I do keep it unplugged and powered off when not actually using it. A family event has sprung up where I'll be in the USA next Tuesday, so I'm having a new SP6 shipped to my sister's house to avoid Mexican customs & bribes. Once I return from that trip, I will let Microsoft contact their third party to get this SP2017 exchanged. I plan to sell the replacement unit once I get it back. Microsoft indicated it may be weeks before they can arrange to have a new unit shipped out. They said they can ship it to any place on the planet where they support their products, but it would be up to me to then get the computer from there to Mexico.

Another issue is that the Surface keyboard is now wonky -- won't type the letter "r", or a colon, and the backspace key doesn't work. I'm hoping it's an issue with the SP itself, otherwise I'll be *really* p*ssed...
With regards to the keyboard: I would just find a store where they sell SPs and try it on another one there.
Good to see you still trust Microsoft and bought a SP6 :)

Would be nice if MS had been quicker and offered you to replace it with a SP6. Unfortunately I think that hardly ever happens. In that way I must say I did get an upgrade from a Surface 3 LTE 2/64 to a Surface 3 LTE 4/128 which was a decent upgrade!
With regards to the keyboard: I would just find a store where they sell SPs and try it on another one there.

I intend to try that once I'm in the USA. If the keyboard acts up with a different SP, then I might have another warranty issue to deal with.
Good to see you still trust Microsoft and bought a SP6 :)
Yeah, I'm acutely aware of the "Fool me once, shame on you..." maxim. Hope I don't get burned again.
Would be nice if MS had been quicker and offered you to replace it with a SP6. Unfortunately I think that hardly ever happens. In that way I must say I did get an upgrade from a Surface 3 LTE 2/64 to a Surface 3 LTE 4/128 which was a decent upgrade!
I thought about asking that, but the responses from Microsoft have been so minimal and curt that I figured it would be a waste of time. Plus, I'm upgrading to to a 16GB/512GB SP6.