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New to win 8... basic tutorials


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Please direct me to a thread if there is one already.

I'm a reasonably competent win7 user, but only have passing experience with win 8.1 on my hubby's touchscreen laptop. Sometimes this leads to frustration when I don't know how to do simple things like tell whether I've minimised or closed a window, etc. As i'm getting a surface pro 3 soon(ish) I would like to get a bit familiar with the interface, so if anyone has any good youtube links for basic win8 use and how to find stuff and do simple tasks like flicking between windows, finding the programs and setting up the metro UI, that'd be great. (Actually while you're at it I also require the same for Mac OS (mavericks) as I occasionally play with his macbook pro and have no idea what I'm doing!)
Thanks in advance
Thanks Michael. That should help I can read all about the surface before I get one.. it'll make the wait even more annoying but at least hopefully I won't be fumbling about and getting so frustrated when I do get it LOL.
OK, found the bit I wanted in the guide (What's moved or changed in win 8.1), very helpful. Gosh it's like learning a new language. Microsoft have been very brave to so completely change the interface of their operating system. I can understand why they did it - after all we're in a touch generation now - and normal windows needed to change to accommodate that.... 8.1 does seem to get a bit better reviews than Win 8 which I avoided at all costs...LOL.