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OneNote 2013 issues

MUI OneNote can only sync when its open. By open, I mean, it has to be on the screen in order to sync, not in the background, unlike the desktop version. I don't know why they designed it that way, since their own MUI mail app could download mails in the background.

About the pen, first try writing with the pen perfectly perpendicular to the screen. The thing is, the 'tip' that the SP3 sees is actually a few milimeters behind the actual tip. So the more you tilt the pen, the less accurate it gets. If its still off, then try recalibrating it.
AVG breaks all kinds of stuff. For instance, there is a known issue where the Outlook add-in will cause received emails to show up absolutely empty. You get the preview... but the email itself is blank. The more crap I see broke with AVG...the more I want to vertical file it.
Have you tried disabling the Firewall and Web Filter (it uses a proxy to filter web requests) parts of AVG and see if it improves syncing. Another test is to disable it for a bit and see what happens.

I have no idea how to do this. Please advise :(

You are in the hands of an expert.;)

I sure as hell hope so :)

MUI OneNote can only sync when its open. By open, I mean, it has to be on the screen in order to sync, not in the background, unlike the desktop version. I don't know why they designed it that way, since their own MUI mail app could download mails in the background.

About the pen, first try writing with the pen perfectly perpendicular to the screen. The thing is, the 'tip' that the SP3 sees is actually a few milimeters behind the actual tip. So the more you tilt the pen, the less accurate it gets. If its still off, then try recalibrating it.

I believed I have tried that. I actually left both OneNotes on in split screen over night and it still did not sync. Just in case I'll try it again tonight.

How do I recalibrate the pen?
I have no idea how to do this. Please advise :(

I sure as hell hope so :)

I believed I have tried that. I actually left both OneNotes on in split screen over night and it still did not sync. Just in case I'll try it again tonight.

How do I recalibrate the pen?
I would go ahead and uninstall AVG from Add/Remove Programs and see if things start working again, Windows Defender will kick in when you uninstall AVG. You do this from the Programs Control Panel.
I would go ahead and uninstall AVG from Add/Remove Programs and see if things start working again, Windows Defender will kick in when you uninstall AVG. You do this from the Programs Control Panel.
Is Windows defender as safe or safer than AVG? I have doubts about that. I will still try it today, since I'm offline anyway while I use OneNote.
... If its still off, then try recalibrating it.
How does one do that? I never found any setting or control panel applet or whatever in Windows 8.1 to trigger a re-calibration of the pen (unlike in Windows 7 where there was such a button in the pen-settings). Since my pern also tends to be a bit off, I would VERY much appreciate the possibility to now and then re-calibrate it!

How does one do that? I never found any setting or control panel applet or whatever in Windows 8.1 to trigger a re-calibration of the pen (unlike in Windows 7 where there was such a button in the pen-settings). Since my pern also tends to be a bit off, I would VERY much appreciate the possibility to now and then re-calibrate it!

Get the free Surface Hub app from the Microsoft store.

Alternately: Control panel, Tablet PC settings
quick update:

I don't think it was the AVG that was blocking me from syncing. A new error just popped up from onenote MUI saying it needed me to log in order to sync. Why all of a sudden it logged me out and why it took so long for such a prompt to appear is beyond me...

After logging on it's now syncing but still taking FOREVER...

As for the OneNote 2013 issues, I think it might be because one of my pages that I was just freewriting one was too long. I had the page set to auto (infinite canvas) and just kept writing. If I were to set it to A4 pages it would have been at least 30 pages long. I set a new page and started writing again and as of now none of the issues have shown.

Also, I'm just gonna give up one OneNote MUI altogether. It doesn't even allow me to zoom in and out.
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quick update:

I don't think it was the AVG that was blocking me from syncing. A new error just popped up from onenote MUI saying it needed me to log in order to sync. Why all of a sudden it logged me out and why it took so long for such a prompt to appear is beyond me...

After logging on it's now syncing but still taking FOREVER...

As for the OneNote 2013 issues, I think it might be because one of my pages that I was just freewriting one was too long. I had the page set to auto (infinite canvas) and just kept writing. If I were to set it to A4 pages it would have been at least 30 pages long. I set a new page and started writing again and as of now none of the issues have shown.

Also, I'm just gonna give up one OneNote MUI altogether. It doesn't even allow me to zoom in and out.
If it is struggling with heavily inked pages you can check your performance settings...under Options...Advanced:


Also turning off Pressure Sensitivity will reduce the memory footprint of the ink.
I use AVG Internet Security 2015 without issues, and with great battery life.

If it's a particular page in OneNote that won't sync, try copying the contents of the page into a new page and see if that syncs.