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People APP


New Member
hello all,

it seems like my "people" app is not updating, even though I add new friends to facebook, (through the web), it is not showing on people all

also, their pictures are not updating as well.

1 last thing is, how can I update a blank picture to add their picture to the contact info?
1 last thing is, how can I update a blank picture to add their picture to the contact info?

You cannot, because the Edit Contact information has no provision for a photo, even if you create a new contact. You can link the locally managed contact info with other providers, such as Facebook, and that's where you get a photo, if they have one.

Perhaps it is slow in syncing, but otherwise it should look like-

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The people app allows you to link different accounts to it, i.e., Microsoft, Linkedin, Facebook, etc. (linked accounts show as small icons in the top right corner). Update the photo from those accounts and they will auto sync.