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post your surface internet speeds!


New Member
since a lot of people are saying that they're having trouble with their wifi on the surface, post what speeds your getting here! let me be the first :smile:

mine is working perfectly, so I don't think this is too bad...is it? lol
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This is going to be very dependent on the ISP plan/subscription. My current connection is slow, but my parents don't need much. My own wifi is going to be a whole lot faster, once I return home. The only consistent way to properly test how the Surface RT is doing is to post your expected ISP service performance and then the actual results... but modem/router info may be helpful too.
wow, 56 views and not one person posted their speeds? man this place is starting to suck, hardly anyone posts and definitely no participation, wow just forget anyone showing gratitude for posting wallpapers here by saying thanks. I know the net is very thankless place but this place is ridiculous! I'm really wondering why I come here...oh I know, maybe to show some support for a wonderful product like the Surface? anyways whatever....
Nah, this kinda comes across as weird epeening appropriate for an mmo forum. Too many factors about net speeds for a mere linkshot to be useful. If people are already happy with their net speeds, they're not likely to post because it's plain functional and not something to be really proud of on a personal level, unlike the screenshots/pix threads.

On a tech forum like this, Q&A, support, and product discussion are just going to be more common. Surface owners are an industry minority, and anyone who knows how forums work also know there are always more lurkers than posters.

Chill with the drama, lol. If you want to show support, posting relevant comments about the product strengths on various article and review sites may help. (Or might not, if coming across as a rabid fanboy.) Just using the thing in public may help a whole lot more for visibility.
first how is it weird? lol also I posted about the speed test because a lot of people are unhappy about their wifi connections and performance so however your ISP plays a role is not relevant or that many differant factors unless you have a 56k or very low speed which the person just has to mention then we can see what the norm is for someone with low bandwidth speeds, secondly I wanted to sorta show that even tho a lot of people are having trouble with their wifi they can atleast compare to what it might be if their wifi were/were not working properly whether it be fast ISP or slow atleast they have something/somebody to compare it with. And as for the drama it's not the first post I see where people have tried to start a thread to get some sort of momentum going and no one participates in the thread, yea sure their is lots of Q&A like you say but their is more to a forum than that to be productive or supportive! there has to be a contribution also, whether it be wallpapers/themes/apps/games ect ect ect and then you have others on here that only want to bash the Surface and talk BS when in fact it is farthest from the truth...my point is there is far to many lurkers and takers and not enough givers or helpers...know what I mean?
I just got 12.7/4 tethered to my Nokia 920. Speed have never been a problem for me on the Surface. I just have time when the Surface wont see my hotspot until I reboot, of it will just drop connection and I have to go reconnect. I'm running 8.1. I didn't really have issues on 8.0.
wow, 56 views and not one person posted their speeds? man this place is starting to suck, hardly anyone posts and definitely no participation, wow just forget anyone showing gratitude for posting wallpapers here by saying thanks. I know the net is very thankless place but this place is ridiculous! I'm really wondering why I come here...oh I know, maybe to show some support for a wonderful product like the Surface? anyways whatever....

Very nice wallpapers you've posted…I haven't been able to take advantage of them yet but plan to as soon as the Pro comes in. Thanks.
beman - We (collectively) do appreciate you wallpaper thread and your attempt here, but internet speed from the Speedtest.net by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test is the same for all of my machines, be it my Surface RT, my Quad Xeon Workstation, my Samsung Ultrabook or my Atom HTPC because it testing the modem to its servers not the device's WiFi....

Each of machines loads the site a different speeds but once loaded each gets the same results which are exactly within the range I pay for from Comcast. Much of the WiFi issues that the Surface line deals with is because of the Marvell Chipset and many Routers and APs struggle with how to do the handshake and/or the Key Exchange, other issues especially for Windows 8.0 is the chip supports Miracast but that isn't compatible with Windows 8 but becomes available in 8.1, so the Marvell reports that functionality to Windows 8 and it doesn't know how to manage it (i.e. trying to turn it off for Power Management).

Sitting in class, on University wifi...

AT&T will be out today installing my new service, we'll see if it's any better.
beman - We (collectively) do appreciate you wallpaper thread and your attempt here, but internet speed from the Speedtest.net by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test is the same for all of my machines, be it my Surface RT, my Quad Xeon Workstation, my Samsung Ultrabook or my Atom HTPC because it testing the modem to its servers not the device's WiFi....

Each of machines loads the site a different speeds but once loaded each gets the same results which are exactly within the range I pay for from Comcast. Much of the WiFi issues that the Surface line deals with is because of the Marvell Chipset and many Routers and APs struggle with how to do the handshake and/or the Key Exchange, other issues especially for Windows 8.0 is the chip supports Miracast but that isn't compatible with Windows 8 but becomes available in 8.1, so the Marvell reports that functionality to Windows 8 and it doesn't know how to manage it (i.e. trying to turn it off for Power Management).

that is false! when I test my laptop to my phone to my Surface I get different stats or results, also each wifi has different power consumptions and speeds which affect what results you get... so with that said that is why I asked to post everyones speeds to see what the results are, of course there will be different results due to each persons speed plan they pay for.. as for all the other technical babble you spewed out about handshakes and key exchanges ect ect does not reflect the facts, which is I get different speeds for different devices!