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Question about Photos App


Well-Known Member

This is about the stock Photo app on the Surface RT.

Through my Outlook.com account both my main machine (name: 123-PC) and my Surface (name: ABC-PC) are trusted.

I have photos on 123-PC (there are in a folder on D: but are linked to the My Pictures folder in the Library). I also have photos on Skydrive. I do not have photos on ABC-PC (not in the Libraries and also not on the MicroSD card).

Now, when I open up the Photo app, I notice that there are these tiles which say from where the Photos are from. In my case, they are from SkyDrive (let's say x photos), Pictures Library (no photos), and then on something called 123-PC-1. There was also a title for 123-PC but it has now disappeared.

When I check my Outlook.com admin page, I see only two PC - 123-PC (main machine) and ABC-PC (Surface RT). So, what is this 123-PC-1? Where is it coming from?
So, what is this 123-PC-1? Where is it coming from?

KristalSoldier --

I don't know, but there's a wire loose somewhere in that process. Occasionally, one of my machines will double up on the Trusted list, and just today, my main machine (Win8-1) asked to be Trusted. I can't think of anything I have installed, or said or done that made it feel untrusted, so I just ignored it (probably further hurting its feelings). It's one of those low-level mysteries that I am comfortable ignoring.

Take care,
No...actually, the problem was with Skydrive. Skydrive adds your PC when you set up the desktop app. Then if you reset that PC but give that PC the original name, it adds that PC to the list on Skydrive. So, in my case, the original PC was 123-PC, which I reset. So Skydrive shows 123-PC and also 123-PC-1 (which was the original PC but reset witht he same name). I deleted that 123-PC-1 name from the Skydrive list and things are back to normal. Bloody confusing sometimes and MS does nothing to help the matter. Seriously, they need some non-complicated person to write their online help pages!!!!
No...actually, the problem was with Skydrive. . . . Seriously, they need some non-complicated person to write their online help pages!!!!

KristalSoldier --

Thanks. That's good info about SkyDrive. I'll look into that.

Love your comment about "non-complicated person." About 120 years ago, when I was in a distantly related business, we had a consumer line of one of our products, and I had my secretary re-write the product manuals and guides for that line. She was very bright, but she was not an engineer. We/// . . . She got a lot of compliments from end users on the quality of those manuals.

Take care,

p.s.: That acrid aroma is from some olde SIMMs and DIMMs that haven't been accessed for a while. :)