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Razer-edge Gaming Tablet is available.

The specs on it are pretty impressive for a tablet. My issue with it however is the quality of the screen. Considering all the nice specs it has, and the $1500 price tag, a 1080p screen should have been used.
I'd love to have a tablet with those specs, but the games aren't there for it yet.

For the games where it would benefit, Crysis, Skyrim, MoH etc, touch controls are non-functional, so you need to have some form of controller. The $250 for the add-on for the Razer is a bit much.
Of course an XBOX controller will do the job, but with only one usb port, and the dongle, you are taking away the ability of holding the tablet in your hard to play, and then the difference between that and a laptop of similar specs is mainly the price. Laptops with those (or better) specs are cheaper.

The video card, while dedicated, is due to power usage considerations for a tablet, not the best nVidia available. Of course it offers considerably better performance than the integrated stuff the others have, it is not capable of running games at 1080 with high quality settings. With the screen running at a lower resolution, the actual visuals of the games can be a bit nicer that way.
This is only for rich (or richer than me) people...or hardcore gamers who love gaming away from home. All serious gaming I do is at home, which means on my desktop or Xbox 360. If I had this thing I'd probably use it often for a few weeks then it would start collecting dust, just like all of my past portable gaming consoles. But I'd definitely get one if I had the money.
Personally I can't really imagine myself in a place where I would need a tablet with a discrete video card. Would it be nice? Hell yeah... but just not practical.
The screen really is a deal breaker for me. I can understand having a lower resolution for better game frame rates, but tey really should have gone with a 1080p screen and let the user decide on their own settings. At such a high price point, it is disappointing.
Its just the first in a series of releases.. The next few years will be an interesting study in the entire Genre and the direction these devices head. Glad to see that this market is being explored. I remember people saying the same thing as gaming laptops came on the scene and I am still not sure how I feel about those either. I know I have never owned a gaming laptop.

As for the resolution, I thought the same thing about the Surface RT and it was VERY nice and actually much better than I expected. I had good fun playing Judge Dredd and some others on that unit before taking it back for the Pro. Not sure that is a deal killer for me.
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I'd love to have a tablet with those specs, but the games aren't there for it yet.

For the games where it would benefit, Crysis, Skyrim, MoH etc, touch controls are non-functional, so you need to have some form of controller. The $250 for the add-on for the Razer is a bit much.
Of course an XBOX controller will do the job, but with only one usb port, and the dongle, you are taking away the ability of holding the tablet in your hard to play, and then the difference between that and a laptop of similar specs is mainly the price. Laptops with those (or better) specs are cheaper.

The video card, while dedicated, is due to power usage considerations for a tablet, not the best nVidia available. Of course it offers considerably better performance than the integrated stuff the others have, it is not capable of running games at 1080 with high quality settings. With the screen running at a lower resolution, the actual visuals of the games can be a bit nicer that way.

Laptops and Tablets. Two different Animals. If I wanted a gaming laptop, I would have posted a link to one I thought was great. I agree its a pretty steep in terms of cost, but its new and all things on the cutting edge cost money. The Edge Pro is a beast in a box and will most likely find a home among avid, on-the-go gamers. At least I hope so... I would love to have one to test out.

I wonder if future tablets will be more like the Helix from Lenovo, but offer docks that have built in, expandable graphics and memory?.. the Helix seems to be the direction the new convertibles are going. Tablet with Keyboard housing additional storage and battery capacity etc...

Would be nice to have a unit that could be both a beast in the game room and a light flexible portable work tablet when you wanted just that.
There's a lot that could be done w/the SP.

While the SP doesn't have any Nvidia GPU, it's graphics aren't that bad, and could maybe be better if there was a REAL tuneable driver available.

Imagine a gaming mount similar to what the Edge has, but for the SP, which could, for example even include an additional battery for longer game plays? How about a docking station for the SP, maybe one which has a gaming card (AMD, Nvidia) in it?

So far I haven't seen anything from the aftermarket, specifically for the SP, including an SP specific docking station. There's been rumors of MS working on one.

Of course I'd love to see a tuneable Graphics Driver from Intel, rather than their usual generic plane Jane ones they always deliver. If they want to compete against AMD and Nvidia in the gaming arena, they had better do something w/their drivers.

Update: Intel HD 4000 GPU driver update to give 10 percent boost | Electronista
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Excerpt from TabletPCReview: Whole article here: Razer Edge Pro Review: Windows Gaming Tablet

I know the resolution may come to a disappointment for some, but although it has a lower resolution than the Surface Pro, which is at 1920x1080, using the Edge in desktop mode is a better experience for the screen size. On the Surface Pro, you have to scale it at 125% - 150% for the text to be readable, which makes some apps difficult to work with. On the Razer Edge however, no scaling is needed and everything works fine at 100% with its resolution.
I'd love to have a tablet with those specs, but the games aren't there for it yet.

For the games where it would benefit, Crysis, Skyrim, MoH etc, touch controls are non-functional, so you need to have some form of controller. The $250 for the add-on for the Razer is a bit much.
Of course an XBOX controller will do the job, but with only one usb port, and the dongle, you are taking away the ability of holding the tablet in your hard to play, and then the difference between that and a laptop of similar specs is mainly the price. Laptops with those (or better) specs are cheaper.

The video card, while dedicated, is due to power usage considerations for a tablet, not the best nVidia available. Of course it offers considerably better performance than the integrated stuff the others have, it is not capable of running games at 1080 with high quality settings. With the screen running at a lower resolution, the actual visuals of the games can be a bit nicer that way.

An Xbox 360 controller would do the trick right? Which works plug and play in windows 8 right? I don't know anyone that carries a laptop without some extras in a bag: Mouse, External Power Supply, CAT6 cable, USB Wireless Card. A nice, cheap, portable controller will pop up if these catch on. Yea I would NOT pay 250 for that option and I would imagine the cost is related to these unit's being in limited production.

Touch games are already here but most of them are for the iPad and iPhone and Droid unfortunately. I would still like to have a Windows tablet with some horsepower. This tablet can do 1080p through the Dock I think too.

I did pay $70 for Wedge Mouse, which I would now not want to do without, but would not have purchased had I known the cost up front. I had been reading about them on the web the night of the 8th of Feb. On Saturday I got over to my Durham NC pop up store and had the girl toss it in as an after thought. The article I read stated the mouse was $40 retail, which I thought was high at the time, but I was caught up in the moment and so asked for one. A week later after seeing the correction on the website, I checked my receipt and found that I had spent $70. After standing in line for 40 minutes, I didn't even bother to read the bill, my mistake. I have roughly the same feeling about this purchase as I did buying new cables for my iPhone5. SUCKER!

All-in-all though, I am glad I didn't look at the bill because I love the wedge's portability. It goes in my pocket like car keys and weighs slightly more than my new keyless remote. For all the beauty of touch, Windows 8 with productivity apps still largely requires a mouse.

Razer Edge Pro Review: Windows Gaming Tablet Check out the review for yourself. This guy basically says that everything you are worried about is wrong and that the tablet is actually very cool. The controller he says: The removable Gamepad Controller practically sells the device. It's laid out similar to an Xbox controller with digital buttons and two analog sticks on either side of the display, has force feedback, and I love the fact that the buttons are backlit. What's interesting is that there is a removable panel which you can add an extra battery to prolong your gaming.

The whole point of the Edge isn't really about running Windows 8 and productivity software, though. Its main purpose is to run the latest games in a small package without any compromises -- and it does it surprisingly well. I spent a good amount of time playing through the new Tomb Raider game and had no performance issues, stuttering, and artifacts on the screen at Normal settings and High quality settings. However, I noticed some loss of frame rates at Ultra, and the Razer chokes on Ultimate.

Guess we cant have everything, but Damn, I THINK, that tablet is pretty cool all things considered. They reviewed the high end device, which is the only one I would consider.
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it seems kind of pointless even comparing anandroid gaming tablet and the surface.having come from an infinity tf700 to this, they are totally different beasts..as much as I loved the infinity,it seems ugly when ever I go back to use it, which is hardly ever now.i am sure game influenced people will flock to the Razer edge though