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SP3 Pro Product Key Needed for fresh install?


New Member
Considering the option to do a fresh install of Win10 on my SP3 Pro. Downloaded the media onto a USB Stick.

However reading up on this it seems I may need the Win 8.1 product key (i.e. serial) for my current install. No sticker on the SP3.

Do I need this and where do I find it?

Somebody also mentioned a driver pack to download and install before allowing Win10 to get online. Any link to that?

I am using System Image Backup in Window 8.1 which I believe creates a true snapshot. Does this work and allow me to revert back to 8.1 keeping all my files/setting the way they were when the image was created? I found my bitlocker key and printed it...since apparently that is needed.
That key wont help you any more than it will start your car.

The official method:
Upgrade First and make sure it activates.
Thereafter you can do a clean install and it will automatically reactivate. "Skip" the Key Prompt during the clean install.
The get windwos 10 isnt showing up due to some domain related thing it appears. Can i install from the media instead or will i run into key problems that way?
The get windwos 10 isnt showing up due to some domain related thing it appears. Can i install from the media instead or will i run into key problems that way?
Post #2 answered the question. You can upgrade even if if don't have the notification but make an image backup first just in case.