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SP3 Wakes Itself Up


New Member
Hey, everyone! Long-time lurker, first-time poster here. First off, this is a fine establishment y'all have running here and I'm glad to finally be a member.

I have a SP3 i7 256 and I've noticed a little issue that has grown to annoy the heck out of me. When forcing the unit into sleep mode, either via the mechanical power button or the touch button on the top right of the start screen, everything turns off as normal (screen goes blank, keyboard backlight turns off) only to be "awoken" out of nowhere. To clarify, by awoken I mean the unit returns to the lock screen and often doesn't require any sign-in to resume usage.

I have gone into the device manager and disabled every device's "Allow this device to wake the computer" option. Nothing. I disabled my network's "wake on pattern match" option from the device manager as well. Still nothing. My power and sleep options are as follows: on battery-sleep after 5 mins; while plugged in-sleep after 10 mins.

In attempt to isolate the problem, I have put the device to sleep under all the following conditions: docked on the SP docking station, undocked, with usb devices plugged in, without, and with and without the typecover attached. The problem persisted across the board.

I've clocked the time it takes the device to wake itself up from a forced sleep at roughly 5 minutes under every condition (slightly shorter when undocked and disconnected from everything).

I've exhausted every trick I can find and like a stubborn child, my SP3 still refuses to go to sleep. Any other suggestions/possible solutions?

Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the reply!

I've done that multiple times and have always received a "wake history count: 0" in reply. When using the command prompt to search for wake-enabled devices, it replies with "none." Similarly, when searching for wake-timers that are enabled, I get a "none" as well.

I've been timing it again and again and it seems to always power back on to the lock screen at 5 minutes after putting it to sleep. Like clockwork; every time.

Seeing as according to the command prompt nothing is waking up my device, it's almost as if it never fully goes to sleep to begin with... ?

Everything I try gets me nowhere and it's really starting to bother.
Hyper V disables connected standby so I don't think that that will do anything. In another hand unless you installed, Hyper V is disabled by default. Try disabling connected standby by doing the is registry change:

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\CsEnabled (1->0)

Restart after this.
Is this a standalone unit or is it connected to a Targus USB docking station or other USB device? My Targus docking station wakes up all my devices not just the SP3 but laptops as well. even when not connected to a computer it wakes up my USB HDD.
open scheduled tasks, click on task scheduler library nd see if there is anything running scheduled to run.
click display all running tasks and see if you see anything. maybe you can leave that open, put it to sleep and when it comes on, hurry and press refresh.
enable all tasks history and see if you can find it.

I seem to remember something like that happening, but can't remember what it was.
I was just curious what would happen if I'd hit the desk my mouse was on and it woke it up. You wouldn't be having any earth tremors every ten minutes would you?
Hey guys thanks for all the feedback.

I had already checked Hyper-V and as ctitanic pointed out, it was unchecked by default. I'm not using a Targus docking station, just the new Surface docking station. As stated before though, the problem persists both when docked and undocked so that can't be the problem.

And I'd rather not disable the Bluetooth considering that's how the surface pro pen works--a function I use from time to time.

I looked at the scheduled tasks and nothing there is enabled to wake my device except for "manual windows update" which has a last run date of "never" and something else I can't recall that has a last run date of days ago (the problem has occurred as early as 30 minutes ago). Both of those options are grayed out and seemingly cannot be changed.

What's strange is it seems as if I can wake the SP3 (within the 5 minute timespan before it wakes itself up) with my mouse and typecover despite having no devices enabled to wake it up. I double checked this through command prompt and yea, not a single device is enabled. However, now the command prompt's last wake entry gives the following response:

Wake history count - 1
Wake history [0]
Wake source count - 0

What the hell is going on? :(
This was happening to me. For some reason mine would wake up and the camera would be turned on. I turned off the ability to swipe down on the lock screen and the problem stopped. Something was triggering a "swipe down" and waking it up to the camera.

Not sure if that will help you but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Hey guys thanks for all the feedback.

I had already checked Hyper-V and as ctitanic pointed out, it was unchecked by default. I'm not using a Targus docking station, just the new Surface docking station. As stated before though, the problem persists both when docked and undocked so that can't be the problem.

And I'd rather not disable the Bluetooth considering that's how the surface pro pen works--a function I use from time to time.

I looked at the scheduled tasks and nothing there is enabled to wake my device except for "manual windows update" which has a last run date of "never" and something else I can't recall that has a last run date of days ago (the problem has occurred as early as 30 minutes ago). Both of those options are grayed out and seemingly cannot be changed.

What's strange is it seems as if I can wake the SP3 (within the 5 minute timespan before it wakes itself up) with my mouse and typecover despite having no devices enabled to wake it up. I double checked this through command prompt and yea, not a single device is enabled. However, now the command prompt's last wake entry gives the following response:

Wake history count - 1
Wake history [0]
Wake source count - 0

What the hell is going on? :(

Hi Sean, the only thing I can say is when you feel like you've exhausted your troubleshooting options (I have not heard of your particular issue before), then the only thing left is to do a refresh or restore, in which Windows is reinstalled. You can launch that process right from within Windows itself.
Microsoft should implement a Refresh and Reset counter with feedback on why its being done. perhaps even gather system metadata. look out below this is a slippery slope.