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SP8 Gets Really Hot


New Member
Didn't see a separate forum for SP8.

I have always left my laptops in screen off / power on mode when plugged in. I get lots of overnight updates and stuff, so it's good to leave my machine idling overnight.

My new SP8 though, gets really hot. Whether the cover is open or closed, it seems the fan just can't keep up.

Anyone else noticed this?

Turns out it's not really even overnight. Booted up, checked my email. Left Outlook and Firefox onscreen - no other "active" apps. Came out of shower, and fan was going HARD and it was putting off some heat.
What are your power settings set to? If you have it on "Best Performance" then chances are it can heat up really quickly.
I did have it on "Best Performance" - figured with only Outlook running, that wouldn't be an issue!

Moved to "Recommended" and will wait and see.

Thanks. Been traveling so the PC has been on and off a lot. Will let sit "up" tonight and see.

Thanks for the follow up!
Thanks. Been traveling so the PC has been on and off a lot. Will let sit "up" tonight and see.

Thanks for the follow up!
15 days later. Any updates? Same issue? Did you have to go back to the "Best Performance" power profile at all due to slower performance or did the regular power profile work good enough and not cause any excessive heat on your Surface Pro 8?
Weirdness - I swear I updated the forum last week.

It still runs warmer than my previous Surfaces, but the fan doesn't kick into overdrive like it used to. I have it set on "Recommended" and it seems to be OK.

Thanks for the help - and the follow up!