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Surface 2 Video Driver Issue


New Member
My Surface 2 keeps freezing while playing Fishdom 3. It then goes to a black screen and a buzzing noise comes out of the speakers. Tried rolling back the video driver. No luck. Uninstalled in favor of the MS video driver. The game is unplayable, but doesn't lock up. Eventvwr shows multiple 4101 warnings (display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding). This only happens with Fishdom 3. Other games seem fine. Has anyone else had this issue?
Yes, I'm having the same exact issue with the same game on my new Surface 2. I have not encountered the issue while running any other software.
This sounds like an app problem and something that can only be fixed from the app developer's side, then. If the app reviews are tanking because of this, they should be aware of it--although if they have a contact, I'd try that too with the actual error codes.

As a side note, Microsoft NEEDS to include a beta testing program with their app store. With new patches and drivers and all sorts of things going on, I feel bad for developers (especially small-time devs who may not even have a team) who are blindsided by sudden bugs or cannot even test on certain devices like Surface 2 if they don't own it. I don't expect the small-time devs to own every device for testing, anyway.
I don't understand WHY you would automatically assume it's a video hardware/driver problem when all your other app/games work? obviously it's the App/game and the developers problem and they should be contacted to let them know!
I don't understand WHY you would automatically assume it's a video hardware/driver problem when all your other app/games work? obviously it's the App/game and the developers problem and they should be contacted to let them know!

I'm asking myself the same question. Well, one more blaming the Surface, no a big deal. Don't you think?
I don't get what your saying, but from what I gather your saying I'm over reacting or making a big deal ? which I wasn't, I was just making a general statement as to WHY you think I over reacting is beyond me, I didn't write in caps nor did I add thousand exclamation marks...so why the FALSE insinuation/assumption? lol
I don't get what your saying, but from what I gather your saying I'm over reacting or making a big deal ? which I wasn't, I was just making a general statement as to WHY you think I over reacting is beyond me, I didn't write in caps nor did I add thousand exclamation marks...so why the FALSE insinuation/assumption? lol

I don't think that nobody is saying what you are saying. What we are saying is that the video driver is serving all programs in your S2. But only one program has an issue. The way we interpret that is, that Software has a bug or issue. No the other way around (the video driver has an issue).
Dude I don't understand what your trying to say, lol but I think your confusing me with the OP? lol your the only person on this forum I'm having trouble understanding... or is it me? lol
I don't get what your saying, but from what I gather your saying I'm over reacting or making a big deal ? which I wasn't, I was just making a general statement as to WHY you think I over reacting is beyond me, I didn't write in caps nor did I add thousand exclamation marks...so why the FALSE insinuation/assumption? lol

Sorry, I quoted you but I was not talking about you. I was talking about the initial post and origin of this thread.