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Surface 4 performance issue


New Member
HI - new to this forum and am in search of answers.
I just bought a new surface pro 4, i5. My issue is that the speed of the web page updates is very slow.

I compare to:
1. my previous computer which is still operating in parallel until I decide to stick with my surface 4. It's a Lenovo G501s touch, purchased last year. i5 processor, 2.5 Ghz. I run Chrome on Windows 10 and new pages zip by.
2. my Android Samsung Galaxy 7. Update of same pages are very quick - sometimes faster than on the Lenovo.

Both operate off my same WIFI system.

For example, Clicking on the Microsoft Surface Forum m surface pro 4 page took 10 full seconds to load on my surface 4, 3 seconds on my Lenovo and 3 seconds on my Galaxy 7.

Sometimes the surface performs fine and pages zip along. But too many times I spend too much time watching the little circles spin around. Many times on the Surface Pro I get a message at the bottom of the screen that xxx.com site is not responding, do you want to recover? I NEVER have seen that before.

I'm tring to use Edge since the performance is supposedly better and the battery life is better. But when I use Chrome (which is like better) the performance really doesn't change much.

Anyone else having the same issue? Any suggestions? Many thanks!

PS: for many other aspects, the Surface Pro is terrific. But this performance issue is frustrating and may drive me to find an alterative.
Give it a few days. Basically, Windows is indexing all of your files and programs that you may have just loaded on to it as well as possibly doing a bunch of Windows updates in the background. If you check your Task Manager, you'll probably see that your SSD is going near 100% usage.
Check your WiFi. is it using 5ghz? what's your up/download speed? what router do you have, how old is it?
I'd also ask if the OS's are the same on the computers that are running web pages faster. I only use Edge. Isn't Chrome still slow on Windows 10? I don't seem to ever be waiting very long for new URL's to open in Edge.
Thanks for the replies. I appreciate your responses.
  • Philtastic: I'll be patient and wait and hope you're right. But I'm not hopeful - I've logged onto this page several times now and still have the same slow results.
  • GreyFox7: Since both my Lenovo and Samsung are both using the same WiFi (and they perform fine), I'm not sure why WiFi and router settings / speeds are important. Not only that but my wife's Apple continues to be speedy as well. So out of all our devices, only my Surface is having this issue. Seems clear the WiFi and router are not the cause.
  • bluegrass: I use Chrome (with windows 10) on my Lenovo and it works great. I've tried both Chrome and Edge on my Surface but both have slow speeds.
Today, I discovered another issue. After waking up my Surface 4 and opening up Edge, none of my favorites show. Nothing in the hub shows - just a blank portion of the screen. When I go to close Edge to start again, I get a note "Hey, your files are still downloading....you might lose them if you close the browser". This has been going on for several hours so I doubt anything is downloading.

Anyone ever hear of this?
Today, I discovered another issue. After waking up my Surface 4 and opening up Edge, none of my favorites show. Nothing in the hub shows - just a blank portion of the screen. When I go to close Edge to start again, I get a note "Hey, your files are still downloading....you might lose them if you close the browser". This has been going on for several hours so I doubt anything is downloading.

Anyone ever hear of this?
That last bit sounds strange. It could be a case of the OS screwing up somehow (even though it's supposed to be freshly installed on the machine when you first get it) which isn't unheard of on this forum. I might suggest doing a system refresh in this case and see if that solves all of your problems. You might also want to hold off on installing all of your programs to check if the system performs the way you think it should first.