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Surface pro with actual cellular?


Been thinking about what i'd want from the next surface pro, now that Microsoft somehow took my SP1 and fixed what little complaints I had, and added so many more things I never even would've thought of. But I would really want my next surface to
#1. Include broadwell so 10-12 hours
#2 Include actual cellular, not just data, but cellular
#3 Surface watch, pair to Surface pro to deliver notifications like apple watch/ect.

And i know this might just me. But my SP3, pretty much replaced everything i do on my phone except phone calls/text. But.....it pairs to my blutooth headset, and i can call people from skype, and i can message through apps. So typical outbound communication is through my surface pro. Give my surface pro the ability to have cellular. Not just for data but actual phone cellular with my phone number, to make/receive calls and text messages, and I'd give up my phone without a second thought. I'm on my surface pro almost all day, or next to it when im not. It has connected standbye just like cellphones, so when its alseep, its still 'connected' to internet. Give Surface Pro 4 will have broadwell and 10-12 hours of battery vs my 7-8 hours now. It will last a full day just like a cell phone. I can 'talk' through my headset just like i do with my phone. I can text via its touch screen or type with keyboard, or with Cortana talk to text even. If you add the watch, it makes quick call/text/notification glances, and/or possibly speed dial capabilities.

I mean, if Microsoft could/will include (like Yosemite does with text/call swapping capabilities) with windows 10, it would be a close start to what I ultimately think the direction is going with cell phones. But to skip the phone entirely. I think is the way to go. People don't need the watch, as it still needs a phone. So its complimentary. People buy larger phones now to not need to carry a tablet. But typically (business) people still carry a laptop with them. So why not just eliminate the need for the phone. And with the Surface Pro being so close to perfect laptop and tablet, and with dock a pc. Why not add cell phone in the mix as well? Then add option for watch as complimentary but a quicker way to not pull out the sp just to see notifications.

I feel, that could be a real huge game changer for Microsoft and the surface.

What are your thoughts?
My thought, is that typical tech/business people, use and/or carry a laptop/tablet/phone, most use pc, and some use the watch. To some, the surface pro is their laptop/tablet/pc, some its just laptop/tablet. So for us surface users, its surface/phone (possibly watch/desktop (I for one need full workstation desktop which the SP can never do)). So, why not scratch the phone as well? It honestly cant be that hard. Like I said, Apple found a way to sync phone (text/call) with their laptop. Why not skip the sync? I also realize, that a quick text/reply/phone call, you might not opt to whip out a 12" tablet, so include a watch. Again, apple's watch capabilities would tie in perfect. Broadwell U, not M, coming soon and battery life gains to be decent, and lasting same as a phone.

Or at the very least, Please let us sync with phone for text/calls.
And in all complete honesty. If Microsoft cant/wont/doesn't include at least a sync type option. I will find a way to install Yoesemite on my SP. And I will switch from Icon to IPhone. The messaging feature, or call from feature on a laptop is huge for me. I'm on my sp all day, work/school/ect. I don't even pull my phone out except on smoke break if even then. And its on silent 3/4 of the day, so anyone that knows me knows to email if they need me.
There are many days I want cell service on my SP3. But shortly after that thought, I remember that I can turn on my iPhone hotspot. - Or buy and contract a dedicated hotspot.
There are many days I want cell service on my SP3. But shortly after that thought, I remember that I can turn on my iPhone hotspot. - Or buy and contract a dedicated hotspot.
I'm not talking cell service for data, I want actual cell service like tablet service. Where my sim/cellular antenna are in the surface, and my surface is now my phone. I use my phone as hotspot for 'data only' the very few times im not around wifi. But I want my surface to be my phone, have my phone number, to have my messages, take/answer my phone calls.

The only way my phone works for me, is when I have my earbuds w/built in mic, plugged in and the one bud in my ear all day. My phone never leaves my pocket 80% the time. And I listen to music through my phone only because I need my earbuds in my phone or ill miss texts/phone calls. And when cortana announces my call/text, I answer without touching my phone. Phone call picks up by saying yes/answer/hitting mic button on earbud mic. Texts are replied to by either telling cortana to reply and what to say, or I just email the person.

I would like my next surface to have the capability, and then I can just plug into my surface. And for the times its put in my bag/away, I think a connected watch would fill that void 100%. And if broadwell U comes with even 2 more hours of battery life for the SP4, I don't see there being even the slightest problem wanting that. I feel that the technology is either here, or so very close, that this would be a somewhat easy thing to do. And would truly be a gamechanger for Microsoft. Or anyone for that matter. But you could then say, that the surface truly is the one device to rule them all.
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There could definitely be a market for a 4g equipped surface pro. It exists in tablets, but is normally a $100/£100 premium for the ability, and current phone contracts suck (only business accounts with my provider allow for multiple sim cards or sharing data across devices without tethering). And as it stands, while tethering is available to most (if the contract allows it) it is impossible to find an unlimited plan these days. The best i have found is an unlimited 4g contract, but only allows 4gb of tethering per month, i'd blow through that in less than a day.

Call capabilities however, i think that would be a VERY niche market. I would highly doubt that even a handful of sp3 owners have discarded their mobile phone as a result of their purchase.
There could definitely be a market for a 4g equipped surface pro. It exists in tablets, but is normally a $100/£100 premium for the ability, and current phone contracts suck (only business accounts with my provider allow for multiple sim cards or sharing data across devices without tethering). And as it stands, while tethering is available to most (if the contract allows it) it is impossible to find an unlimited plan these days. The best i have found is an unlimited 4g contract, but only allows 4gb of tethering per month, i'd blow through that in less than a day.

Call capabilities however, i think that would be a VERY niche market. I would highly doubt that even a handful of sp3 owners have discarded their mobile phone as a result of their purchase.
Thanks for your thoughts opinions.

I do agree.
For the data amount, the usage differences between surface/cell phone would be minimal. Both in fact that cell and surface would switch to WiFi when available (windows 10 being both phone/laptop os, and phone o's having plus Microsoft stating laptops will get WiFi sense). Another being web pages on most never phones run full webpages now, not data saving mobile page versions.

#2, full cell capabilities on surface. Those or most now no don't replace phones with surface. But given full cell capabilities, would you/they? Current users? Would that feature along with everything else the surface pro has 'going for it' open the market up to newer customers?
There could definitely be a market for a 4g equipped surface pro. It exists in tablets, but is normally a $100/£100 premium for the ability, and current phone contracts suck (only business accounts with my provider allow for multiple sim cards or sharing data across devices without tethering). And as it stands, while tethering is available to most (if the contract allows it) it is impossible to find an unlimited plan these days. The best i have found is an unlimited 4g contract, but only allows 4gb of tethering per month, i'd blow through that in less than a day.

Call capabilities however, i think that would be a VERY niche market. I would highly doubt that even a handful of sp3 owners have discarded their mobile phone as a result of their purchase.
Therein lies the problem, a niche market within a niche market is not a profitable business proposition.
I don't think a surface will ever replace peoples mobile phones. I just cannot see any argument as to why you would not use a mobile for calling, or even keep one on your person. It would be an incredibly niche market, especially if the 4g data allows you to make calls via skype etc.
Therein lies the problem, a niche market within a niche market is not a profitable business proposition.

Most certainly. Right now i would really rather microsoft just focus on making this the most fantastic device around, and other than marketshare, it's almost there. I've already got half of my tutorial talking non-stop about how they want one for class. By the end of this year they'll have spent almost £200 each just printing out powerpoint slides in the library. Let alone pens and pencils and paper and ring binders. That is simply financial, before taking into account the convenience. Half of them apple users,. one who even just god a brand new macbook air for uni.

They stick with it, and microsoft have an absolute winner on their hands. the only downside to such an amazing device is that apple will take notice eventually and mimic it, and then it'll be a bunch of sheep running around talking about apples amazingly innovative pen, sorry, what a pedestrian term, it would probably be marketed as something like focus touch, or something equally absurd.

4g would be a winner of an option in my mind (without the absurd markups!) given the out and about here there and everywhere business nature of this device, but call ability, no.
Using a tablet as your only tech device by replacing your phone is a very interesting thought. I eat, drink, & sleep with my Surface Pro3 nearby. One reason would be cost savings. I pay over $80 a month for my cellular and that only includes 2 gig data. I'm wanting to retire by the time I reach 80 so I'm starting to cut back on fixed monthly expenses. I just kicked out satellite and ordered a dvr hd tuner for terrestrial tv. That knocked out a $120 monthly expense.
I don't think a surface will ever replace peoples mobile phones. I just cannot see any argument as to why you would not use a mobile for calling, or even keep one on your person. It would be an incredibly niche market, especially if the 4g data allows you to make calls via skype etc.
I really don't see why. I know it'd be an incredibly niche market. But I cant be the only one arguing for this.
Using a tablet as your only tech device by replacing your phone is a very interesting thought. I eat, drink, & sleep with my Surface Pro3 nearby. One reason would be cost savings. I pay over $80 a month for my cellular and that only includes 2 gig data. I'm wanting to retire by the time I reach 80 so I'm starting to cut back on fixed monthly expenses. I just kicked out satellite and ordered a dvr hd tuner for terrestrial tv. That knocked out a $120 monthly expense.
true that. I ditched cable over 2 years ago. Between netflix and my antenna with a USB tuner allowing PC to record, I've never looked back.

as for price. In all honesty, Microsoft could charge me an extra $400 over the current surface pro price, and I would pay. I've been on verizons unlimited data plan for years now, and buy my new devices outright. And extra $400 for the surface, would actually save me $400 over my next upgrade. Which might come soon, and the galaxy note 4 looks very promising, at the rough $850 outright price