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Tegra 4 driver issues


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I have been reading some forums where a problem with the Tegra 4 drivers is being reported. Apparently, (1) the drivers are not being updated and a complex workaround is necessary to make them work; and, (2) the inability of these drivers to be updated is causing problems with resuming work from the sleep-state.

The reason I am asking is this: Till today, I did not seem to face a problem as reported above - though I have not checked if the drivers are up-to-date or not. I've been following the policy of letting sleeping dogs lie, if you know what I mean. Today, however, I turned on my Surface 2 after 48 hours. During this time, the device was connected to the mains. On opening the device, the start screen did come on, but it froze. This required me to turn off the device completely and then to turn it on. This sounds uncomfortably close to the some of the problems being reported with those old - not updated - drivers.

Has anyone else faced this problem?

The term being tossed around is "Sleep of Death", this has happened on all ARM Devices I've used dating back to my old Samsung Smart Phones from 2007. If you want to see if this is the case for your Surface 2, open up your reliability monitor and if your Video Subsystem is crashing as well then you most likely are facing the issue. On the Official MS Forum I think someone posted a batch file the will automate the deletion of the old OEM files.
Thanks. Yes, the reliability monitor is suggesting that my device is experiencing a repeated video hardware failure. I'll check the MS support forum.
Odd...it appears that I do have the latest driver 9/11 version - 2767. Should I just refresh my device? Or, will that roll back the driver to the August version, which is apparently the problematic one?
A refresh will put everything back to the factory state, but Windows Update should offer you the Updates that will bring them up to date.

Thanks. I've seen that. But the prospect of trying to set the Surface back to factory condition is a bit too daunting for me - it will involve a lot work and time. I did try part of the fix though and it seems to have worked though I did get the BSOD the two times that I did a simple refresh. That said, this is something MS needs to fix and users should not be resorting to stuff like this to alleviate what is essentially a software/ driver problem. I am surprised to see that there is no official word from MS about this.
Anyone who have tried this method?

I did not try to fix the BSOD - because resetting the device to factory settings is too involved a project for me. However, I did try to update the drivers and it worked. I have no issues at the moment with my device. I used the batch file that was included that automatically did the work. I do hope that with 8.2 scheduled for April (or, was it March), these things will be fixed. But then again, we are talking about MS here.