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Tried Clipa Vu?

If anyone has this app will it work between PCs on the same network?

Tsurugaya --

Yes, it does. With ClipaVu open on two computers, it will sync its contents across the network. Haven't tried more than two, since I don't have the need, but could do it if you want.

Appreciate that, I suppose that requires the Pro version?
Tsurugaya --
Not exactly sure. I am running the Desktop version, so don't know the difference between the Pro and Lite versions.

Just FYI, it does sync on more than two computers -- at least three. After our last exchange, I installed it on another computer on my network just as a test. Works like a charm.

Take care,
Desktop version? Now you have me confused. I've been running Ditto for a few years, at least since Windows 7, but obviously it doesn't handle MUI apps, so I am looking for something that handles both environments. I thought Clipa Vu was a MUI app since I found it in the Windows App Store.
I thought Clipa Vu was a MUI app since I found it in the Windows App Store.

Tsurugaya --

It is both. The Lite & Pro versions are MUI apps, available from the App Store. The Desktop version is a separate app available from their website. Since most of my work is in desktop mode on one of my networked computers, that is the version I chose. I have not installed the MUI version on my SurfacePro yet, so can't comment on it. My guess would be that the capabilities of the Pro & Desktop versions are the same.

I do plan to install it on my SurfacePro soon, so if you wait a day or two, I can tell you how it interfaces with the Desktop version.

Take care,
Ahh, I want to use it in both environments.
Tsurugaya --
You can use the Desktop version both ways by pinning it to the taskbar. I tried both Lite & Pro trial versions on my SurfacePro, but neither of them seems to sync across the network -- in either direction. I uninstalled them and will use Desktop version on my Surface.

Take care,