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Type cover waking SP3 in bag...


Seems like every single time put my SP3 in my bag and travel somewhere when I open my bag at the destination I find the device awake, hot and fans on draining the battery.

I presume this is to do with the cover waking the device up. Anyone else finding this? Any solution other than just finding a huge rubber band and putting it around it to keep it closed on the move?
The type cover won't wake your SP3 unless a button is pressed. But a simple pouch would hold things together.
I rather suspect a process running on your device prevents the device from sleeping. In connected standby, the power management regularly turns on wifi to check for push notifications. I had similar issues and found my virus scanner prevented the SP3 from going to sleep again. As a result, the device was active and running hot in my bag. Do a sleep study report. It will tell you if something similar happens to your computer.
The type cover won't wake your SP3 unless a button is pressed. But a simple pouch would hold things together.
I rather suspect a process running on your device prevents the device from sleeping. In connected standby, the power management regularly turns on wifi to check for push notifications. I had similar issues and found my virus scanner prevented the SP3 from going to sleep again. As a result, the device was active and running hot in my bag. Do a sleep study report. It will tell you if something similar happens to your computer.
That's why I was asking to turn on Airplane mode, that will turn off Wifi and BT.
The type cover won't wake your SP3 unless a button is pressed.

This is untrue.

If my SP3 is lying closed on the table, and then I raise it into position (the same as "opening the keyboard"), the keyboard will immediately illuminate. Then somewhere around 30 seconds later the screen comes on.

If the machine is in Connected Standby, at least on my SP3 the keyboard opening definitely does wake the machine.
This is untrue.

If my SP3 is lying closed on the table, and then I raise it into position (the same as "opening the keyboard"), the keyboard will immediately illuminate. Then somewhere around 30 seconds later the screen comes on.

If the machine is in Connected Standby, at least on my SP3 the keyboard opening definitely does wake the machine.

Well, now, dang it all, I just can't replicate that. I close the Type Cover, my SP3 goes to sleep. I open the Type Cover, yes, the keyboard lights up, but no the SP3 just doesn't wake up.

To me, it seems like it shouldn't--I'd really rather not have the SP3 polling in the background waiting to see if the Type Cover is opened. And having it poll periodically, say every 30 seconds or whatever, doesn't really make sense--if it doesn't wake up absolutely instantly, then it's just not the same as an ARM tablet that does. Having it wake up 30 seconds or whatever later isn't terribly helpful; it's just as easy to hit a key to wake it up manually.

That said, I do hibernate my SP3 before sticking it in a bag, since mine woke up soon after I bought it when I was traveling back from my mother-in-law's. I have a very tight slip case and so I'm certain that it wasn't the Type Cover opening that woke it up--I'm pretty sure it was the very easily depressed power button that did it.
I have had the same issues. I am pretty sure that the problem is a very sensitive power button. Any slight movement in the pouch can activate the button. Then unit turns on.

This may happen a few times during transit.

Have not found a solution yet :-(
Well, now, dang it all, I just can't replicate that. I close the Type Cover, my SP3 goes to sleep. I open the Type Cover, yes, the keyboard lights up, but no the SP3 just doesn't wake up.

To me, it seems like it shouldn't--I'd really rather not have the SP3 polling in the background waiting to see if the Type Cover is opened. And having it poll periodically, say every 30 seconds or whatever, doesn't really make sense--if it doesn't wake up absolutely instantly, then it's just not the same as an ARM tablet that does. Having it wake up 30 seconds or whatever later isn't terribly helpful; it's just as easy to hit a key to wake it up manually.

That said, I do hibernate my SP3 before sticking it in a bag, since mine woke up soon after I bought it when I was traveling back from my mother-in-law's. I have a very tight slip case and so I'm certain that it wasn't the Type Cover opening that woke it up--I'm pretty sure it was the very easily depressed power button that did it.

Weird. I just tested what I was telling you- SP3 was sleeping, laid down flat on the cover. I lifted the SP3 and extended the kickstand, the cover lit up, and I started counting... and I'll be darned if it never came on! Finally after 2 minutes I tapped the Shift key and it sprang right to life. Man I am positive that with my own eyes, I saw my SP3 wake up after the cover fell away from the screen. But it's not doing it now.

Maybe like @lcavada says, it's the power button, I dunno.

And after insisting several times that it was for sure an issue!! :oops:

You know I'm going to be sleeping this thing all day now and playing with the cover....
Well I Just tested this too and I opened the cover and it didn't turn on neither... so I don't know why others are turning on in their bags?... weird