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Undocking SP4 issues


New Member
I have a SP4 hooked up to a microsoft SP4 docking station. Whenever I disconnect the sp4 from the docking station, it goes into a hibernate/sleep mode from which i am unable to wake up. It needs to go through a reboot in order to function. When trying to wake up the sp4, i can see the keyboard light up, but I am unable to get the screen to wake up. When i reconnect the sp4 to the dock, there is not much issues, other than the monitors not always functioning the same way or the icons are appearing much larger. I am up to date with the latest updates.
Thanks in advance
Do you mean when you pull the docking plug from the SP4 it instantly goes to sleep?

I'm on the fast track insider program, so hard to say if i'm running the same OS version as you, but I've found that i encounter most of these issues on my sp4 with sp4 dock. Seems hit and miss whether i will be able to wake it up. As you say, keyboard lights come on, but nothing else. Sometimes it requires a restart. Same story with the external display, hit and miss. I'm not aware of any solution other than to wait for MS to roll out some updates.
Wonderful, yes as soon as a pull the plus, the PS4 goes to sleep.
look forward to the next roll out
Wonderful, yes as soon as a pull the plus, the PS4 goes to sleep.
look forward to the next roll out

That isn't normal so far as i'm aware. If i unplug mine, the screen brightness changes, nothing else.
Have you tried the Windows "P" 3 times trick? That usually works in this scenario. Also, make sure you have all of the updates applied.
I do not know what the P 3 times trick is, but i will try to find it. SO, by not being normal, this is something i should pursue with Microsoft? Could it be an issue with the docking station? Is there any key combination or command that should be used when undocking?
I do not know what the P 3 times trick is, but i will try to find it. SO, by not being normal, this is something i should pursue with Microsoft? Could it be an issue with the docking station? Is there any key combination or command that should be used when undocking?
If you have a black screen after undocking or coming out of Connected standby, using the Key Combo of Windows + P three times usually when reactivate the screen.
Thanks, I will most certainly try that next time. So, I do the windows-P combination instead of diddling with the power button?