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Very Dissatisfied With SP4

To those of you saying these are Win10 issues, I disagree. It may be related to the hardware/drivers that MS chose to use on Win10, but I don't think it's Win10 at all. The SP4 is my 4th Win10 device (others are SP1, HP Envy (8.1 upgrade) and a $60 HP Steam that I bought from Woot with an Atom processed). The other three devices work fine - no issues whatsoever. None. Meanwhile, my $1400 SP4 takes over two minutes to boot up, loses connectivity to keyboard, has the display driver crashing constantly and other various issues. I'm very disappointed and I hope MS fixes this soon. The product should not have gone out the door this way.
Mine has been working quite well except for having to reinstall windows on it when I got it (parts of the installation were missing or something lol?):

1. I get random audio pops

2. light bleed on the bottom, same with SP3
To those of you saying these are Win10 issues, I disagree. It may be related to the hardware/drivers that MS chose to use on Win10, but I don't think it's Win10 at all. The SP4 is my 4th Win10 device (others are SP1, HP Envy (8.1 upgrade) and a $60 HP Steam that I bought from Woot with an Atom processed). The other three devices work fine - no issues whatsoever. None. Meanwhile, my $1400 SP4 takes over two minutes to boot up, loses connectivity to keyboard, has the display driver crashing constantly and other various issues. I'm very disappointed and I hope MS fixes this soon. The product should not have gone out the door this way.

Interesting response, given that others are reporting that they're having Win10 issues across all platforms. Not really surprising though since these issues aren't occurring with every SP4 or Sb; only some of them. Makes me increasingly uneasy about both hardware and software.
Interesting response, given that others are reporting that they're having Win10 issues across all platforms. Not really surprising though since these issues aren't occurring with every SP4 or Sb; only some of them. Makes me increasingly uneasy about both hardware and software.
No 2 systems are going to have the same software configuration. Based purely on my own experience most of the problem you are seeing mentioned here, probably 98%, are software/OS.
No 2 systems are going to have the same software configuration. Based purely on my own experience most of the problem you are seeing mentioned here, probably 98%, are software/OS.

Sure hope you're right because I really do love Surface when it works. My first SP4 was virtually useless. MS couldn't get it working properly, even after installing a new image, which made me think hardware was the issue. So I decided to exchange for another unit. It's working fairly well, but still suffers many of the issues others are reporting. Given my experience, I'm questioning both hardware and software, but hoping my remaining issues can be resolved through sw fixes. Thanks for your response!
I am about to return mine as well. I have several issues. Display driver stops responding and does a recovery- this happens a lot. I have had screen freeze several times and required me to hard reset. I also experience audio popping/distortion when switching songs in iTunes. This is sad that we have these type of issues...

I took my SP4 back to Microsoft Store today. They convinced me to take a replacement unit to see if it would fix some of the issues. I am able to re-produce the display driver issue and showed the tech guy at the store how to reproduce it. I will be taking the new unit back if the update Tuesday does not resolve the bad video driver. If you want to know how to re-create the issue. Load Firefox and scroll a web site. The screen will freeze and the driver will reload. It happens 100% of the time.
Half of what I've been doing is loading pages with Firefox and scrolling. Not a problem here. I must be doing something wrong. ;)
Let me repeat this.... the video driver is an issue of the new SkyLake SoC's caused by Intel's drivers and are impacting all SkyLake Devices regardless of OEM.

Intel is aware and is working on a fix with Microsoft. The testament to Windows 10 is in the past this would normally cause Bug Check or BSOD and for the most part the system is recovering.
I took my SP4 back to Microsoft Store today. They convinced me to take a replacement unit to see if it would fix some of the issues. I am able to re-produce the display driver issue and showed the tech guy at the store how to reproduce it. I will be taking the new unit back if the update Tuesday does not resolve the bad video driver. If you want to know how to re-create the issue. Load Firefox and scroll a web site. The screen will freeze and the driver will reload. It happens 100% of the time.

I use Firefox and have not had any freezing with scrolling.

Now watch. Cause I said that it will start. LOL
Seriously, don't jinx yourself.

The fisrt day I had my Surface Pro is the 28thm the one and only day I have had an error.

Half of what I've been doing is loading pages with Firefox and scrolling. Not a problem here. I must be doing something wrong. ;)
Linkedin site freezes every time for me. Other web sites happen as well. I really hope MS and Intel fix this soon!
Linkedin site freezes every time for me. Other web sites happen as well. I really hope MS and Intel fix this soon!
Here may be a hint. I have an ad blocker and NoScript installed among others. I also did not install the Flash Player that works with Firefox.