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Where can we find out about / get the latest Windows 10 beta?

No, I didn't see that because it was labeled for SP3 and I have the SP1.
And I'm installing W10 on a spare SSD in my desktop not on my Surface until it gets a lot closer to final release.

However it has good instructions for dual booting. I've done that on several OS's but this time, this early in the release cycle, I'm just going to swap disks in the desktop. Only takes a minute to do. Reach in and unplug one drive and plug in the other.

I did get a surprise awhile ago when I started my SP I noticed an Intel Driver Upgrade facility on the desktop that I'm not sure when I download but I ran it and got a video driver update. Seems to work ok.

But that has nothing to do with W10 :)
Wondering how / where to find out what the latest beta release is.

Willie --

Latest build is 9926. Your current build number is on screen. If you need the new ISO, and you're still having internet speed problems in Win10, you may want to download it in Win8. It is about 3.7G.

Like you, I am running Win10 on a spare drive on a desktop machine (in a spare machine even) -- no downside risk. I miss the opportunity to see some of the new tablet goodies, but I'm not putting it on my Surface until it's ready for PrimeTime.

Take care,

The Windows Insider Release ISO is < not > the same as beta.

I can probably get the betas from Technet, but I haven't been there since W8 came out.
Betas are released for brave souls who are willing to take a chance that BAD THINGS MAY HAPPEN between public releases.

I have done everything except get the betas to try to make the Internet work well under W10.
I have all the latest drivers etc. etc. etc. and the fault is clearly within the 9926 release because I use exactly the same equipment for W8.1 and W10 --- I just swap out the C drive in the desktop computer.

And, I'm not the only one experiencing problems according to the Windows Forums.

It's a bit early to dive too deeply in.

There's a long way to go before companies get serious about W10 and start developing drivers and firmware for it because, right now, they would be shooting at a moving target.

I'm just going to check for new releases every day and then switch back to W8.1 ... that's where I do all < real > computing anyway.
But, I figured it was worth trying to get W10 to work, if I could.
But no such luck.

I'm sure they will fix it in time.

Hi, Willie,

I thought you said in your post complaining about poor Internet speed that you were registered as a Windows Insider.
If so, login there to get or read about the latest . Otherwise, go here: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/preview-iso
The Windows Insider Release ISO is < not > the same as beta.

Willie --

No, it is not, but neither is it claimed to be. We are still several iterations away from Beta status.

There are always lots of folks complaining about Preview/Beta software, especially if it's from Microsoft. It's a law of nature, kinda like gravity.

Take care,
A lot of people are not realizing that this release is NOT beta. And it's the only one available. It's a thchnical preview. Not the same thing as beta yest.
Beta and Release Candidates are from a bygone era....it is now for Windows 10 Technical Preview....Consumer Preview....Developer Preview....RTM.....General Availability....Continous Updates via 3 rings Fast, Normal and Slow
Beta and Release Candidates are from a bygone era...

Thanks, Jeff. Some of us are from Bygone Eras, ya know.
Is that correct that Developer Preview follows Consumer Preview? Intuitively, it would seem the other way around.

Take care,
Thanks, Jeff. Some of us are from Bygone Eras, ya know.
Is that correct that Developer Preview follows Consumer Preview? Intuitively, it would seem the other way around.

Take care,
That is how it was for Windows 8.0, it went Developer Preview, Consumer Preview but there was only 2 released to the public.

As the Phone Team has taken over for the Unified OS Team, they brought in their nomenclature of the Technical Preview and flipped the Consumer and Developer Preview. I believe that decision is being pushed by DX (formally DPE) as they want the Developer Preview for the Build Conference which is end of April beginning of May just before the Ignite Conference (replacing TechEd, MMS, and all other MS Tech Conferences).

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