I experienced the the wireless connection dropping issue a couple betas ago, but it has since worked flawlessly and continues to do so after a clean install on my SP2...
Don't know I had the last Build on it. I frequently switch network me. I pop-it up waiting for the bus, work, home.
Oh and full screen videos where freezing, and I had a not so good experience using my Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter (it is a: wireless display adapter. Nice naming MS!

), while in Windows 8.1 I can be on the other side of my fairly large apartment. And my place, is complete with cement walls (this was build before drywall was a thing. They used metal studs, with thick chicken wire metal mesh, and you had an expert putting cement on it and try and build a straight wall, then lots of plaster, and of course, paint). I live in Canada, so our houses are overly well build to the top all in order to contain heat (winter -35C) and cold from A/C (summer +35C).
So, with Windows 8.1 display wireless adapter is working above and beyond. I can be anywhere, it streamed perfectly 1080p with half a second from my SP2 to the TV lag (audio comes out of the TV in sync with the content)! But with Windows 10 it sucked. I needed to be next to the TV and still skipping, had a 2sec delay at 1080p, and also full screen video was freezing, had to exit full screen and put it back up. Had to do this at least 5 times in a 1h 30min movie from Netflix. (and it's not a Netflix thing... it happens with ALL videos, even downloaded .avi, wmv, and playback of DVD's, tried with VLC, Windows Media Player, the video player app of Windows 10, Flash with YouTube, HTML5 with YouTube and other sites, and well, Netflix)
So that is why I am waiting... I am very excited, I used it since the public beta appeared of Win10 on my desktop, and was generally awesome, especially now. Sadly, when Microsoft said that it isn't ready on the Surface Pro 2, they really meant it, at least in my opinion/experience. So every day I am like "Cooommmmmonnn Intel, get your stuff together, and Marvell too! Why are you now starting developing your drivers? You had well over 6 months!".