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Working Like A Charm


I feel that I have to say that my SB is now working perfectly. Over the last two months I have experienced almost all of all the issues ever raised in this Forum, and I only have one left: the Flight Mode indicator in the Notification Panel is often highlighted as ON when it should show OFF. And that is trivial, and probably a pure Win 10 issue.
I have religiously applied the updates ASAP, but I'm sure everyone does that.
I am beginning to think that the Windows 10 DISM restorehealth process from a Win 10 image file (described elsewhere) is the thing that has performed this magic trick.
How many others here have tried it?
SP4 i5 256 8 lot#1541 here. I have had to reset windows 2x, after each major update (November, February). Have tried the DISM restorehealth process, but the source file error occurs. Do you happen to know where this Win 10 image file is located so that I can point to the source? I imagine you are using the /internet tag when you do this or do you have a source locally for the image file?