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Returning my sp3:( The high DPI scaling is ruining my great experience with the sp3!

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Active Member
Kris lives under the proverbial black cloud, some people are unfortunate that way. I think there's a point when you should give up because doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is not wise. Time to move on. Perhaps it should even be a policy, after x returns... no more.
Not sure how I should take that. I actually like black clouds, usually means a storm is coming. That and I see better when it's not so bright out. I do not like the idea of giving up... Maybe one day I will get a product that works... I did not mean to become the negative Nancy of the forums, I just wanted to point out that there are some serious problems with the SP3 product line and not have it down played as me just being a hater... I love the SP3, why else would I try so hard to get one that works. Trying the same thing over and over, and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity(or at least I have heard it is)... sanity is over rated if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
ya know what, I can say that there has been other people on this forum that were having trouble with their wifi, and it ended up being the router that was causing the problem and not the SP3, far too many times I've seen the SP3 getting blamed for problems when in fact it was either human error, other devices or bad programming to be at fault... I'm not saying that this is the problems YOU'RE having but I'm just pointing these things out.. I've just seen to many posts blaming the SP3 unfairly, then we have other posts that are saying to stay away from the SP3 or other posts saying they returned the SP3 and it makes me wonder what to make of this, because like I said my SP3 works flawless...
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