I need help - my Surface Pro has forgotten it's [identity]. How can I fix the BIOS/EUID back to its original configuration?
I became frustrated at all of the little quirks in my new Microsoft Pro 4; the constant EMI/RFI interference between the two 3.0 USB ports and the constant need to change my mouse's USB fob was so irritating. So I searched Microsoft's support pages and learned of these recent firmware updates and decided to give it a try; Lone and behold, my Surfacs Pro no longer knows it is a Surface Pro and I believes it is a Surface (or Surface Book if I run Get-WmiObject Win64_ComputerSystem in Powershell)
Then I attempted to update per this list (-- very frustrating that there are no instructions which ones to do first, or if any order is even required)
Download Surface Pro 4 Drivers and Firmware from Official Microsoft Download Center
Download Surface Pro 4 Drivers and Firmware from Official Microsoft Download Center
[On an aside: I tried to get help with the virtual MS Agent for my Lenovo Yoga and and I became locked out after [they] asked for my laptop password: very wary of MS.) My HP Envy 23 has continued to suffer with Win 10 updates -- There appears to a pattern here. Is it time to dump Microsoft?]
I became frustrated at all of the little quirks in my new Microsoft Pro 4; the constant EMI/RFI interference between the two 3.0 USB ports and the constant need to change my mouse's USB fob was so irritating. So I searched Microsoft's support pages and learned of these recent firmware updates and decided to give it a try; Lone and behold, my Surfacs Pro no longer knows it is a Surface Pro and I believes it is a Surface (or Surface Book if I run Get-WmiObject Win64_ComputerSystem in Powershell)
Then I attempted to update per this list (-- very frustrating that there are no instructions which ones to do first, or if any order is even required)
Download Surface Pro 4 Drivers and Firmware from Official Microsoft Download Center
Download Surface Pro 4 Drivers and Firmware from Official Microsoft Download Center
[On an aside: I tried to get help with the virtual MS Agent for my Lenovo Yoga and and I became locked out after [they] asked for my laptop password: very wary of MS.) My HP Envy 23 has continued to suffer with Win 10 updates -- There appears to a pattern here. Is it time to dump Microsoft?]