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Anyone Have These Issues (List)?


New Member
I really like my Surface RT tablet. I do have a few problems with it though. Anyone else have these?

1. Problems connecting to the store. It occasionally has some sort of server problem or connection time out.
2. The browser doesn't save the previously navigated page in memory so if u go back to the previous page you have to redownload it.
3. The browser back button doesn't always work and you actually get stuck on a page and can't navigate to any previous page. or, u will repeatedly hit the back button when it doesn't work and then all the sudden it takes u to a blank page....and u have to start all over again.
4. The spreakers aren't loud enough. I'm thinking about getting bluetooth speakers.

Previously, I felt that applications took too long to load and websites didn't render quick enough. But they corrected these with the updates.
1. Problems connecting to the store. It occasionally has some sort of server problem or connection time out.
2. The browser doesn't save the previously navigated page in memory so if u go back to the previous page you have to redownload it.
3. The browser back button doesn't always work and you actually get stuck on a page and can't navigate to any previous page. or, u will repeatedly hit the back button when it doesn't work and then all the sudden it takes u to a blank page....and u have to start all over again.
4. The spreakers aren't loud enough. I'm thinking about getting bluetooth speakers

1. No problems with Marketplace, although app updates usually pop up about five minutes after I start the tablet. 2 & 3. There are two browsers on RT. I use the full window start screen version most of the time; I've got numerous websites saved to my start screen. I swipe left-to-right to go back to the previous page, it then reloads. The second 'tab' browser on the Desktop hasn't given me any problems. 4. I'm been searching for a Bluetooth speaker too and will probably get the Bose.
1. I believe there is a thread on this site about that issue. Seems rebooting the surface fixes it, although I haven't run into it yet. 4. I agree, the speakers need some boosting. I still think this is the best tablet I've ever used and I've used many of them.
4 - louder would be a nice to have but I don't find it too much of a problem. 2 - yes, I hope an update fixes this soon. One of the more annoying v1 issues.
1. I'm not having any problems with the Store
4. I don't think the sound quality is as good as it could be, but I seldom use the speakers for anything other than routine system sounds.
I really like my Surface RT tablet. I do have a few problems with it though. Anyone else have these?

1. Problems connecting to the store. It occasionally has some sort of server problem or connection time out.
2. The browser doesn't save the previously navigated page in memory so if u go back to the previous page you have to redownload it.
3. The browser back button doesn't always work and you actually get stuck on a page and can't navigate to any previous page. or, u will repeatedly hit the back button when it doesn't work and then all the sudden it takes u to a blank page....and u have to start all over again.
4. The spreakers aren't loud enough. I'm thinking about getting bluetooth speakers.

Previously, I felt that applications took too long to load and websites didn't render quick enough. But they corrected these with the updates.

1: No problem with the Store.
2 & 3: No problem with going back to the previous page using either the back button or swiping. However, I initially ran into the problem you're describing when the browser was launching a new page rather than moving forward, and didn't yet know how to swipe down and close the current page (I hope I'm not the only one who took a while to figure this out....).
4: Agreed. I picked up a Bluetooth speaker from Newegg although I mostly use earbuds.
I use the Altec MZX406 in-ear monitors for listening to music. It is high-sensitivity type and works well with the Surface RT. My listening volume on normalized high-bit rate MP3 is 50.
I get issue 2, it looks to be refreshing the page but it does not. This is very obvious with forums where I jump in and out of threads but the threads are not updated as read unless you actually click the refresh for the page.

Issue 4 is a problem because my wife and I like to watch movies but we can hardly hear whats going on because the volume is so low at 100.
I have had issue 2.

In regard to issue 4:
Have you tried enabling Loudness Equalisation/Bass Boost?
(You do this by going to the Desktop, right clicking/tap-holding on the speaker in the bottom right, 'Playback devices', click on 'Speakers', 'Properties', 'Enhancements', and then enable the add-ons you want)
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