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Battery Help


New Member
Hi everyone, i'm come from vietnam, so my english is not good.
I'm using surface pro 5-2017 ( MS 1796) i5/8gb/256gb.
i'm check batteryreport Cycle count : 38, but i'm have some problem with my device, When i'm charge from 20% to 100% ( full capacity ) then i'm used Battery mode, the battery percent loss 2% for one time until below 20% for 3-4 hour, so fast.
I think this is problem about fimware, can you help me ?
thank you so much
Hello, @vuchoan,

Welcome, and thanks for joining the Surface Forums.

The battery sensor is generally not accurate at battery levels, so battery levels could very well be higher than the device reports. It has been noticed that the sensor/reporting quickly drops from 100% to 90% or 80%, then spends more time than would be predicted at 70%, 60%, … . Of course, your battery levels may indeed be low. You may be a better judge regarding how much time you have remaining, because you know how you have used your device.

Also, remember that the Surface tends to use more energy running Chrome Browser, Wifi hotspot broadcasting, "connected standby" and OneDrive syncing when you have made many file changes (including Windows Update).

Be sure to update to Windows 10 Version 1903 .

I hope this helps. Chào mừng, và cảm ơn bạn đã đóng góp kinh nghiệm của bạn.
Hello, @vuchoan,

Welcome, and thanks for joining the Surface Forums.

The battery sensor is generally not accurate at battery levels, so battery levels could very well be higher than the device reports. It has been noticed that the sensor/reporting quickly drops from 100% to 90% or 80%, then spends more time than would be predicted at 70%, 60%, … . Of course, your battery levels may indeed be low. You may be a better judge regarding how much time you have remaining, because you know how you have used your device.

Also, remember that the Surface tends to use more energy running Chrome Browser, Wifi hotspot broadcasting, "connected standby" and OneDrive syncing when you have made many file changes (including Windows Update).

Be sure to update to Windows 10 Version 1903 .

I hope this helps. Chào mừng, và cảm ơn bạn đã đóng góp kinh nghiệm của bạn.

thanks for your answer, My window was updated 1903 last week, and the problem have not improved. I have consulted Microsoft support, I gave the batterry below 10% then Charging Surface pro. And the Battery work well. From 100% to 20% in 5-6 hour, but you known.
One more time, thanks for your answer
Have a nice day!