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Battery not detected


New Member
Turned on my Surface RT this morning after charging, and the battery display was showing an empty battery with a red x. I tapped the display and got a warning that said "Battery not detected". It was fully charged, so I'm confused as to why I'm getting this warning. I did a restart and the warning went away. This is the 4th time this has happened. I'm starting to wonder if I just got a bad tablet and need to exchange it for another Surface. Anyone else had this warning?
Guess not but No worries I managed to get it resolved. I returned the RT and got a Dell Venue 8 Pro and could not be happier. Smaller, Faster, and full blown windows. Performance is light Years ahead of the Surface RT and got it on Sale for just $249. Thanks for all the help. Almost Forgot, no more "Cannot display This page" error while browsing.
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Turned on my Surface RT this morning after charging, and the battery display was showing an empty battery with a red x. I tapped the display and got a warning that said "Battery not detected". It was fully charged, so I'm confused as to why I'm getting this warning. I did a restart and the warning went away. This is the 4th time this has happened. I'm starting to wonder if I just got a bad tablet and need to exchange it for another Surface. Anyone else had this warning?

Just had a similar experience with a replacement surface 2. Unlike your case, the restart is not having any effect.
Suddenly my Surface pro 3 has stopped detecting my battery. There is a cross on the battery in the task bar. When I hover my mouse over the icon, it says "no battery is detected". My surface is up to date with all the available updates. I have followed the different reboots with holding the power button for 30 sec, then volume up and power for 15, etc. Not working.

Any suggestions?