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Desktop Skydrive icon still showing instead of Onedrive on Surface RT


New Member
Just a question!

On my desktop the icon notes Skydrive instead of the new revised name of "OneDrive". Just thought Microsoft would have pushed out an update to change the name on their own devices. Anyone else notice this on their machine. No complaints just an observation...

I'm up to date on all updates

Thanks in advance for any/all responses!
I think this should be renamed with today's patch day as part of Windows 8.1 Update 1.
At least in Germany, we expect the patches around 7:00 PM to be available.
Microsoft have made iOS a priority over Windows! OneDrive renamed there first and Office touch released there first... do find it quite strange
OneDrive on iOS is just an App, OneDrive on Windows 8.x is integrate with the OS, after update 1 is applied today it will say OneDrive....
I see, I'll have to check when I get home. I have OneDrive as a 'small' tile so don't see any naming anyway. Obviously I'm talking about the Modern UI version...
Many thanks for all responses! I'll sit tight and see how this lands after the Windows 8.1.X update!
