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Discharged over night


New Member
Noticed something frightening today.
Put my Surface to standby (pressing the on/off button for half a sec) like I usually do with 79% battery power left. Today I wanted to turn it on and all I got was the sign that it is completely empty...how is that possible? I´m pretty sure that I didn´t left anything running in the background (Is this even possible when the Surface is in sleeping mode?)
All I noticed was an update while restarting - can this have anything to do with it? I highly doubt that but who knows...
Well Something had to be running in the background and you obviously didn't see it...I don't think it is anything to panic about, but make sure nothing is running in the background and keep an eye on it to see if this happens again
Is there any way to shut down all programms/apps/documents at once?
Didn´t come across something like that.
If you know that you're putting the device down for more than 5 minutes then I would highly recommend actually shutting down the device rather than putting it to sleep.
If you know that you're putting the device down for more than 5 minutes then I would highly recommend actually shutting down the device rather than putting it to sleep.

Would that not defeat the purpose of the Surface (particularly of the RT devices - 1st and 2nd gen)? I mean considered in terms of the Surface being touted as a Connected Standby device.
I think we may be over reacting, S0iX allows for suspending applications, the only Apps that misbehave are the Desktop Apps, I wouldn't leave them open overnight but for short periods it should be fine. Occasionally something goes wrong it we get a big drain or even a lock up, this happens at some point on all devices (My Samsung Phones and my Nokia Phones have both done this at one time or another). I expect a Firmware Update that should fix some of these issues.
Would that not defeat the purpose of the Surface (particularly of the RT devices - 1st and 2nd gen)? I mean considered in terms of the Surface being touted as a Connected Standby device.

Exactly. I dont have a Surface to shut it down every few minutes...

Today nothing similar has happened and everything is working as it should.
Dont really know what went wrong there - I almost never have a desktop app open and close everything before putting it to sleep. But hopefully it had something to do with an updated that didnt work as planned
Unfortunately, I don't quite understand your point.

Now, if you're going to "shut it down every few minutes" then it's reasonable to put it into Sleep. If you're not going to use it all night, however, then I see no reason why you couldn't switch it off. It really takes only a few seconds to boot up the device. I can't see how that's going to affect you greatly.

I'm glad it's sorted, anyway.
I was having this lurking suspicion about the battery life on my Surface 2. While in flight mode, it seemed all right, but with WiFi on, it seemed to be eating up the battery. And, the same on Connected Standby. I was getting a bit restless with this. Oh...and I ran a test at cmd prompt, which threw up some errors. I can post them here if necessary. Anyways, I reset the device - a simple reset which keeps the settings files etc. It went off well etc. The throwback though is that the device is behaving as I expect it to behave on standby and when working as normal. For example, I left my hotel in one city at 8:00AM - was on a 2.5 hr flight to another city - kept the device in my hotel room for the whole day - returned to my hotel room at approx. 6:30PM - logged onto the hotel WiFi network - and have been surfing since then. At 9:30PM the battery meter read 39% which is when I plugged in.

Edit: And then I found this: http://www.zdnet.com/microsoft-delivers-new-batch-of-surface-updates-7000023098/

I don't know if I got these updates, but the timing was odd!
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Is it somehow possible that my battery is just fine when I watch a Video which is stored on the Surface (did the video-Loop test and everything was ok) but is empty too soon when I do "normal" work (Surfing, working, watching a Video online,...)?

Any tipps to improve the battery power? I´ve already dimmed the screen brightness.