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Enable passive cooling Surface Book?


New Member
I cannot locate the settings to change the cooling from active to passive. I'm in the advanced settings menu with the dattery, display, power button/lid, sleep, etc setting. There is no option like my past computers for:
I've gone to edit plan settings, then change advanced power settings, which brings up a window that allows changes to many parameters. However, there is no CPU cooling option like I've seen on other computers running windows 7. Does this option exist on the book or windows 10 for that matter?
For windows 10/Surface Book:
Disable ConnectedStandby. RegistryKey: HKLM>System>CurrentControlSet001>Control>Power>>CSEnabled=1 Default is set to 1, set it to 0 and reboot. You should now have PowerSave, Balanced and High Performance profiles.

Someone said this also:
I felt I should mention that doing so disables Fast Boot. Not terribly inconvenient, but if you've gotten used to the seamless way the SP3 comes out of sleep mode you might want to make changes then disable the reg key again.
Excuse my (kind of) stupidity but what do you mean passive cooling? What difference does it make and how does it changes the way SB performs?
Excuse my (kind of) stupidity but what do you mean passive cooling? What difference does it make and how does it changes the way SB performs?

I'm a bit confused as well. There is no "turn passive cooling on", because passive cooling is ALWAYS present, but more 2turn active cooling off". I'm not sure why you'd want to turn active cooling off though, as it is there so that you can make use of the power the device has to offer. Would be like putting a speed restrictor on a ferarri. Why buy the machine if you do not want to be able to use it's power.