I have one. It has problems with mornings.
Yesterday it was charging and the lighting up the external monitor. But my USB devices, keyboard, mouse, built-in Ethernet weren't working. I moved everything to another usb hub. Power cycled the docking station, plugged things in one at a time etc ... and it started working again.
Today it was only charging. No monitor. No ethernet. White "docking station power light" was on. I undocked, verified my accessories working on my USB hub. Plugged everything back in. Power-cycled, etc. It didn't come back. I gave up and was using the touch keyboard to browse for solutions while the surface was charging in the docking station. After a few minutes it stopped pining for the fjords. My external monitor lit up. The Ethernet came on. Seems to be working fine, now. Although I haven't undocked since it started working [several hours ago].
Uh, except for those it seems pretty good to me.....
Yesterday it was charging and the lighting up the external monitor. But my USB devices, keyboard, mouse, built-in Ethernet weren't working. I moved everything to another usb hub. Power cycled the docking station, plugged things in one at a time etc ... and it started working again.
Today it was only charging. No monitor. No ethernet. White "docking station power light" was on. I undocked, verified my accessories working on my USB hub. Plugged everything back in. Power-cycled, etc. It didn't come back. I gave up and was using the touch keyboard to browse for solutions while the surface was charging in the docking station. After a few minutes it stopped pining for the fjords. My external monitor lit up. The Ethernet came on. Seems to be working fine, now. Although I haven't undocked since it started working [several hours ago].
Uh, except for those it seems pretty good to me.....