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Huge Demand for Surface Hub Prompts Microsoft to Add More Resellers


Microsoft increases Surface Hub resellers.JPG

Microsoft today announced that due to “huge demand” for the Surface Hub in the UK it has increased the number of companies that are authorised to sell the product, with 15 more companies now added to the Microsoft Surface Hub partner program from today. This means more locations where customers can buy the Hub, as well as accessories and support.

Here’s what Capita, one of the newly announced authorised partners, had to say on the issue:
“Our ambition at Capita is to bring users’ experience into the 21st century and embrace the developing role of multimedia technology to support and enable all employees,” said Paul Morris, Managing Director of Intelligent Buildings Practice at Capita. “We offer customised audio-visual systems that encompass and deliver seamless collaboration, maximise content delivery and increase productivity within any environment. Surface Hub is a key component of our offering to clients, and we are very proud to have been awarded ADR [Authorised Device Reseller] status.”

The Surface Hub is available in 55-inch-screen or 84-inch-screen versions, and is designed with collaboration in mind, with multiple users being able to work on the device at the same time in various Windows 10 programs.

Worldwide use of the Surface Hub has increased to more than 2,000 customers in 24 markets, up from 500 customers in July 2016. One of those customers is the University of Bristol, which is using the Surface Hub in its biomedical and clinical sciences research, where it helps to improve real-time collaboration, communication, and sharing ideas, images, and videos. Check out the video below to learn more about the University of Bristol's use of Surface Hub.

Source: Microsoft increases number of Surface Hub resellers in UK amid huge demand