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It's going back :( Quite sad, tbh

I had issues earlier, but 99% of them have been resolved with my SP4. Occasionally at work connected to the two external monitors it will black screen. But my SP3 does that as well.

For me Build 1511.29 is solid....
I imagine at some point I may not need to do the things I have done to make the system stable even though it has become habit. All I care is that it works. Finding out how to make it work is a good reason for this forum.
That's all I wanted. Then something happened, and bam, Surface says that I needed to reformat. Not going to invest a 5th time in 3 weeks to initialize my device again. 5 x 3 hours per reinstall = 15 hours. 15 hours in 3 weeks just reformating it! That's far too much. I feel lazy when I format my desktop once a year or once every 2 years.... Even so, it's because I want to format my desktop every so often. So imagine how I feel about having to do it for my SP4 and it's a necessity.

I don't mind tinkering. I was A+, N+ certified, and went to Computer Engineering for my university as one of my degrees. I love tech, and I love to tinker. But when I'm busy with work, all I want is my device that I paid a pretty penny for to work. So, even with all the tinkering and downloading drivers, and backing up images, and being active in the forums, and regedits here and there, and buying extra chargers to keep the battery charged since it can't last a full day... It all wasn't enough for the device to work.

When I saw those @{microsoftcommunication.... apps and nothing loaded, not even opening a JPG, I said "screw it," went to MS support, they didn't even know how to fix it. So, apart from getting the slower SSD, light bleed, incredible lags and glitches while listening to music or opening apps, probably something faulty to make the damn device take 3 hours to format itself, I get my money back, forget about headaches and go back to my brick of a SP2 that works. Believe me. I love the Surface line up. My partner always says I'm a MS fanboy... haha. I really do love the hardware of the Surface, Nokia (now MS) had awesome hardware, the band 2 looks sweet, the 950xl was a prime choice for me until I saw all the issues at the moment.

I hope they fix these issues with the i5.

The Dell Inspiron 2-in-1 looks pretty cool! 1,000 for i7 8gb ram and 256 SSD. Any experience with Dell? I've always built my own PCs and my Surface Pro 2 was my first laptop since I was 12 years old.
Now that the SP4 has been out for a while, the SP3 price has gone down. The Sp3 i7 model is selling for the same price as the Sp4 i5 model.
Now that the SP4 has been out for a while, the SP3 price has gone down. The Sp3 i7 model is selling for the same price as the Sp4 i5 model.

Not in Spain.

The SP3 is actually more expensive for some reason, and so was the SP2 when the Sp3 came out (the Sp2 was more expensive).
turning off WiFi while sleeping but I have a very stable system as do all the other SP4 owners I support.

I have done everything on that list too, inc turning off WiFi whilst sleeping, power hibernate etc... But that is a fail right there. I'm guessing you know a lot about computers, as do I. For the average person, having to do quite a few things manually to get some sort of stability out of a device in 2015/2016 is imo a complete and utter catastrophe. Post PC is real, but only as a metaphor *where PC = win 98 perception of computing. Computers need to just work, without having to manually do lots of things and change the default setup to stop it from crashing. That is exactly why Apple gained a big amount of mindshare post IPhone justifiably or not.

As for your friend who has no serious problems with the SP3 and the dock... I find that very hardto believe... either that or I need to replace either the sp3 dock or sp3. My wife really loves her SP3, and it works great most of the time. Her dock though fails about once a week/fortnight. It simply stops recognising the monitor (plugging the cable into Surface pro still works). Shut down nor reset fixes this issue. The only way to fix it is to do a hardware reset using the power and volume buttons. Other than that though, it's very solid.

Anyway, if she wouldn't have had a clue how to "fix it" and would have sent it back for a refund.
I am writing this from my SP4 though, and even from Edge... so things can't be all bad ;-)
That's another thing, not using Edge, though some people have made it work better with a modified host file.
That's another thing, not using Edge, though some people have made it work better with a modified host file.

edge could be one of the causes of my headaches, agreed. But the scrolling is 10x better than anything chrome can do, chrome is a great browser but it feels positively chuggy and old for touch. Edge really feels snappy in comparison... and has bugs, many many bugs. It is the default browser on windows 10 though and really should work out of the box.

The other reason I am using Edge, is because a few big sites, I can't remember which maybe anandtech, maybe toms hardware, showed that chrome used 20-40% more battery then Edge, and that Edge and IE actually came out as top from all browsers on battery life. That to me is quite a big deal. That test was done after chromes big updates at the end of summer.
My Firefox rocks. It's very fast, especially considering all the add-ons. (13 total), Certain things (I can't remember what) cause Edge to come up. I think it may be some Microsoft pages but otherwise Firefox is my goto. Easy on the battery too.
My Firefox rocks. It's very fast, especially considering all the add-ons. (13 total), Certain things (I can't remember what) cause Edge to come up. I think it may be some Microsoft pages but otherwise Firefox is my goto. Easy on the battery too.
Totally agree. Firefox works well. On the other hand, Edge is a total POS. I just tried watching Youtube on edge and video is crap.