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Largest Reliable Micro SD available for the SP4?

Hi, folks. I use my SP4 (16 GB Ram, 512 GB SSD) as my main work computer but one place it's lacking is disk space. I have lots of external USB drives I use with the SP4 but I would love to have more internal disk space.

Right now I have the 128 GB external drive which is good but I would love to have 1TB or even 2 TBs available internally. What's the largest Micro SD anyone has gotten to work reliably with their SP? I see some 1 TB cards but they seem to be of dubious quality and reliability - I'll wait for a solid SSD even if it's very expensive before I go for something cheap,


Hi, folks. I use my SP4 (16 GB Ram, 512 GB SSD) as my main work computer but one place it's lacking is disk space. I have lots of external USB drives I use with the SP4 but I would love to have more internal disk space.

Right now I have the 128 GB external drive which is good but I would love to have 1TB or even 2 TBs available internally. What's the largest Micro SD anyone has gotten to work reliably with their SP? I see some 1 TB cards but they seem to be of dubious quality and reliability - I'll wait for a solid SSD even if it's very expensive before I go for something cheap,



Currently only 256GB MSDXCs or MSDHCs and they're expensive. You can do a 200GB one though for about $70-80.
Use an external drive. You can pick up a 1TB SSD quite cheaply (relative) and its the size of a credit card.
Use an external drive. You can pick up a 1TB SSD quite cheaply (relative) and its the size of a credit card.
That's what I do now, and it's dog slow and unreliable. Most days I cannot use iTunes - I have to shut down and restart iTunes until it works and sometimes I need to reboot the SP4.

I've used external drives on many laptops and computers but never had a performance/reliability issue until the SP4. I'm hoping an internal Micro SD card might make the performance tolerable and allow my applications to work reliably.
Use an external drive. You can pick up a 1TB SSD quite cheaply (relative) and its the size of a credit card.
Define "relatively cheap" please.
All I can find on Amazon at 1TB that call themselves credit card size are over $1000, and the regular sized portable external USB SSDs are over $300.
I've been waiting for the price to come down, is there another place I should be shopping?
I use Samsung EVO Pro's in all of my devices, ranging from 16GB- 128GB . The reason I use Samsung is.... The Samsung MicroSD cards are built for punishment in the Samsung Line of Phones. I have used other MicroSD cards without issues, but I have had friends who have lost tons of data by using a cheaper MicroSD. The EVO stands up to heat which is what can easily kill a MicoSD. I have had the same Samsung EVO Pro cards for 4+ years without failure. I highly recommend them. I have had both good and bad success with SanDISK. However, I have never had a Samsung EVO fail me...........Yet.....

Granted you are looking for the largest capacity MicroSD - I thought I would mention the EVO in the for its proven reliability.

This is taken from a review of the Samsung Evo Pro - "The new Samsung EVO microSD line is designed for the more mainstream demographic of consumers, specifically for those looking for reliable performance with their high-end smart phones, tablets, and cameras. The EVO Series microSD cards come in three different capacities, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, and 128GB - each sporting a sleek white and orange design. These tiny flash cards are also water, shock, magnet, X-ray and temperature proof."

Here is the link to the Review.

Samsung 32GB EVO microSD Memory Card Review (MB-MP32D) | StorageReview.com - Storage Reviews


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