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Solved Logitech T630 bluetooth mouse


i have a few questions/problems i hope someone can please help me with...

1) When swiping from the left, it brings up the App bar. In this video (at 1:50), the guy is able to switch directly from app to app. How do i get this to work like he does it?

2) Is there any way to get the horizonal scrolling to work on onenote?

3) can any one recommend a bluetooth mouse with touch gestures (including zooming in and out, since this mouse cant do it) and also is capable of connecting to 2 devices?


nevermind, i installed "SetPoint" from the logitech website, and i was able to solve my questions 1 and 2.

hmm.. i really wish this mouse has the zoom function. i think it would have been the perfect mouse for me. other than that its an awesome mouse :)