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Making Desktop your default...


Well-Known Member
Just in case you wanted to make your SP open to Desktop by default, that can be done in Control Panel > Taskbar and Navigation > Navigation Settings.
Just in case you wanted to make your SP open to Desktop by default, that can be done in Control Panel > Taskbar and Navigation > Navigation Settings.
Or you can long press on the task bar, properties, navigation....but who wants to boot to the DT anyway...:)

Sent from the SurfaceForums.net app for Windows 8
Or you can long press on the task bar, properties, navigation....but who wants to boot to the DT anyway...:)

Sent from the SurfaceForums.net app for Windows 8

This will please you to no end Tony, but since my SP is now in full-on tablet mode as opposed to desktop-replacement mode, I actually PREFER to boot to the Modern UI Start Page, especially now they have "mostly" fixed Modern IE :)
This will please you to no end Tony, but since my SP is now in full-on tablet mode as opposed to desktop-replacement mode, I actually PREFER to boot to the Modern UI Start Page, especially now they have "mostly" fixed Modern IE :)

Why only Tony....I am also pleasantly surprised! Good for you Mitch! You've finally seen the light!
I really like this update. Currently have twitter snapped to the left and tweetro snapped to the rt with ie in the middle, i love hoe the desktop handles snapping now. It no longer snap with the open app previews all in a row. Snaps just like a normal metro app now. This preview does not seem like a preview to me. And a big thx to Arnold for the 50 pm's helping me set up the VHD. I will report back on my experience with the multi monitor stuff. I was too busy this weekend in the pool to bother.
You're welcome Tony.

I agree with the observations about 8.1 and while it gave me a scare, it was better than the 8.0 Consumer Preview of the past.
Folks, don't get too excited I am using Modern UI more. With a touch interface like the SP 8.1 has improved things, but for a desktop mouse user it is still rough. I'm still running Windows 7 on my desktop.