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Microsoft Complete extended warranty expiration?


So I called the Microsoft tech support line for the first time today, basically to exchange my SP2 that has had hardware niggles and increasing system problems over the months (since Oct/Nov last year). Since I have Complete, I was OK with putting up with the issues for now. But yesterday's firmware update screwed it up over the line.

I guess I should've led with the more hardware-related issues (like the kickstand and hinge, screen glue, etc) instead of focusing on the software symptoms seen after the firmware update... So the support rep instead walked me through the system reset to factory default plus Windows Update, which I was happy to oblige, but I did warn him that I'd end up with missing drivers or unknown device in Device Manager (since I never patched the factory image).

He was very patient, though he had to let the call go at the 90 minute mark before Windows Update finished. He did give me a service request number and said I can call back after it's done, if I do have missing drivers, and they can arrange "repair".

What's strange is that the rep didn't find my customer record based on the SP2 serial number. I told him that I bought four SP2's all with Complete last year, and the guy at the local Microsoft Store had entered all four into his computer. The rep said that data was probably kept locally in the store.

So I gave him all four serial numbers and asked to make sure that going forward, all four are in the system with their extended warranty info. What's strange is that while the problematic SP2 does have a Complete warranty expiration date of Oct 2015 (which makes sense), another one expires Jan 2016, and the other two expire Feb 2016. Not that I'm complaining about extra warranty time, just surprising.
I did call back about the missing driver for Surface Cover Telemetry after the factory reset, but the second rep (after consulting) said it's some sort of phantom driver listing from the factory image, for hardware that's not even there (I'm paraphrasing). He said the listing should be removed after a future update.

He said I can always call back if I do still experience issues with the wake/sleep or whatnot (which he said would be unrelated problems to this missing driver). He said I shouldn't worry since I have Complete anyway.
The registration page showed all the units already registered, since the phone rep did it over the phone earlier today (I just went ahead and corrected minor capitalization/spelling stuff).

And yes they listed the extended warranty expiration dates as the rep had said. Weird that two units for example have Complete expiration in Feb 2016, as if they were bought this month (Feb 2014), where in fact they were purchased last fall like the rest...