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Microsoft will NOT be offering trade-up value for existng type/touch keyboards :-(


Well-Known Member
I was told weeks ago this idea of offering early adopters of the Surface trade-up value for their type/touch covers when buying the new version was being seriously discussed at Microsoft.

Word from my local store is no go, there will NOT be a trade-up program. Now if you have an Apple product, sure you can trade up with that but if you were one of Microsoft's brave early adopters you can basically go f*** yourself.

Nice Microsoft.
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Well, you were "told" by.... a store manager who's at the very bottom of the information chain, just above the actual clerks. Since when do electronics companies offer trade-ups for used peripherals/accessories?
Ah...because you miss the fact that we live in a culture of entitlement!!! You OWE me stuff....that's how the logic goes!
Incredible. None of you know the first thing about marketing do you?

Go get a job at Microsoft, they will love you. They haven't got a clue either.

Well, you were "told" by.... a store manager who's at the very bottom of the information chain, just above the actual clerks. Since when do electronics companies offer trade-ups for used peripherals/accessories?

Since they lost $900 million on their first release and desperately need to build brand loyalty because they are about to get pwned by Dell and Sony. Funny, I was at BestBuy today because I cooked off the power supply on my gaming rig. I was looking at the new Surface Pro 2 and Surface 2 models. As others came up to look I heard the same thing every time - wow, $900 for THAT and you don't even get the keyboard?!

Microsoft's pricing structure (especially on their accessories) is the height of arrogance. They want to act like the kings of hardware and they aren't even the court jester. And they actually think by charging a lot the idiot people will assume they are worth a lot? The worst part is that in the big Bestbuy store the Surface line looked really small and honestly, compared to the products around them, cheaply made. The Surface Pro2 simply does not "look" like a $1000+ machine and in retail, that's a problem.

About marketing, how about this:

"We here at Microsoft appreciate our customers. In light of that appreciation, we would like to offer a $40 trade-in for the keyboards purchased by early adopters of our Surface line to be used towards the purchase of one of our exciting new keyboard covers. Sometimes when you do something new, you just have to say thanks to those who were with you from the start..."

Solid freakin gold. They create huge goodwill, do something daring (as you said, who else does this?) and put the new product in the hands of existing customers and out into the public. But of course Microsoft doesn't get marketing. They had to lose a billion dollars before they realized dancing hipsters don't sell tablets. You know those incredibly stupid ineffective ads? Microsoft LOVED those, thought they were brilliant.

Yep, Microsoft could have given back a little on some accessories and scored $10's of millions in advertising and goodwill.

I was told weeks ago this idea of offering early adopters of the Surface trade-up value for their type/touch covers when buying the new version was being seriously discussed at Microsoft.

Word from my local store is no go, there will NOT be a trade-up program. Now if you have an Apple product, sure you can trade up with that but if you were one of Microsoft's brave early adopters you can basically go f*** yourself.

Nice Microsoft.

Who cares. They aren't going to give you fair market value for it anyway. Getting mad that you don't have an opportunity to sell your product at a depressed value so they can turn around and make margins on you twice? Uh,... ok...?

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He blows a lot of hot air, that's for sure.

I'm still waiting for an answer--what other electronics company lets you trade-up used peripherals/accessories?

I don't believe OP is used to the computing/electronics industry; being an early adopter has always been exactly that and nothing more--adopting early.
I don't think Sony's Flip is going to sell that well, honestly. None of their tablets have flown off shelves, nor the phones (despite having some very nice hardware and minimal skinning).
Sell it on Ebay. It would never have occurred to me that they would even offer a buy back. I wouldn't expect that for a mouse and keyboard set (and those can get pricey). I mean really, just too much entitlement.
Haha...i just want to comment on one statement that was made. That the surface line next to others in best buy makes it look cheaply made. I had to laugh on that one as that cant be further from the truth. smh. The fact is even anandtech said himself the Surface line, both models, are the best built and designed windows tablets on the market today. probably compared to any other tablet period. There is only one other device, and no not some crappy ipad, that comes close. that's the new sony one. but even that's cheaply built as its made out of plastic. it has a nice design but reviews ive seen for it state it feels cheap. then it has a physical windows button on the front that's very hard to push. a lot of people even noticed, from pressing it, the screen separates from the chassis. huge fail in my book. the next high quality looking device may come from Nokia once they release their device.

Come on now..lol Surface tablets feel solid and made from premium components. they look the exact opposite of cheap. THey stand out. regardless of whether the people thought it cost too much or not, it still caught their attention didn't it?

sure I wish the surface pricing was a little more competitive or cheaper. but do understand this isn't some device made out of plastic. even the surface 2 and RT is built better than an ipad yet costs less. it also has a lot more productivity potential. as for the pro, that's the top of the line. its like they say, you have to pay to play. I was one of the ones who originally thought it was too expensive. but in august I took the plunge when I had the opportunity and never regreted it. it feels and performs at the price point I paid for it. it was when they had the $100 dollars off each model.

then add to the fact that we are living in bad economic times. not everyone can afford a surface pro. which is perfectly fine. for them id easily recommend a surface 2 or one of the great bay trail devices. but for someone needing a powerhouse machine/tablet with no equal on the market right now, id recommend the pro or pro 2 :) haha we forgetting this type of device is still more of a luxury item. Same reason people buy foreign cars that are far more expensive versus American cars although they do the same thing. Those people buy for build quality and the extra creature comforts that come with it.

while I do wish for prices to come down, especially on accessories, I do understand where ms is coming from. you should read the latest article I posted in my Surface 2 reviews and videos thread. gives a lot of insight into why MS is doing the things they are doing now.

on another note, I just saw a news flash on t.v. talking about all the tablet announcements today. you have apple with their usual ipad stuff, then MS, I guess, is officially announcing release of surface line for sale, then I think NOkia already announced their tablet or about to today. said to get like 15-16hours battery life...wtf..and its running RT. now I need to check my tech news feeds to see this announcement I missed if Nokia actually did do it yesterday.