9gb of space, I've done reset couple of times now, as for the log....
2016-12-10 18:30:25:953 860 1354 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.9.9600.17031, tz: -0800) ===========
2016-12-10 18:30:25:953 860 1354 Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe
2016-12-10 18:30:25:953 860 1354 Misc = Module: c:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll
2016-12-10 18:30:25:953 860 1354 Service *************
2016-12-10 18:30:25:953 860 1354 Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
2016-12-10 18:30:25:953 860 1354 Service *********
2016-12-10 18:30:25:984 860 1354 Agent * WU client version 7.9.9600.17031
2016-12-10 18:30:25:984 860 1354 Agent * Base directory: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution
2016-12-10 18:30:25:984 860 1354 Agent * Access type: No proxy
2016-12-10 18:30:25:984 860 1354 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 3.
2016-12-10 18:30:25:984 860 1354 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 1.
2016-12-10 18:30:25:984 860 1354 Agent * Network state: Connected
2016-12-10 18:30:26:000 860 1354 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 3.
2016-12-10 18:30:26:000 860 1354 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 1.
2016-12-10 18:30:26:125 860 1354 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing global settings cache ***********
2016-12-10 18:30:26:125 860 1354 Agent * Endpoint Provider: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2016-12-10 18:30:26:125 860 1354 Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>
2016-12-10 18:30:26:125 860 1354 Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2016-12-10 18:30:26:125 860 1354 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
2016-12-10 18:30:26:125 860 1354 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
2016-12-10 18:30:26:156 860 1354 WuTask WuTaskManager delay initialize completed successfully..
2016-12-10 18:30:26:187 860 1354 Report WARNING: Failed to initialize event uploader for new server {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782} with hr = 80248014.
2016-12-10 18:30:26:187 860 1354 Report CWERReporter::Init succeeded
2016-12-10 18:30:26:187 860 1354 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent ***********
2016-12-10 18:30:26:187 860 1354 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0 downloads
2016-12-10 18:30:26:187 860 1354 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic Updates ###########
2016-12-10 18:30:26:187 860 1354 AU AIR Mode is disabled
2016-12-10 18:30:26:187 860 1354 AU # Approval type: Scheduled (User preference)
2016-12-10 18:30:26:187 860 1354 AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes (User preference)
2016-12-10 18:30:26:187 860 1354 AU # Will interact with non-admins (Non-admins are elevated (User preference))
2016-12-10 18:30:26:203 860 1354 AU WARNING: Failed to get Wu Exemption info from NLM, assuming not exempt, error = 0x80070002
2016-12-10 18:30:26:219 860 1354 AU AU finished delayed initialization
2016-12-10 18:30:26:265 860 d50 DnldMgr Asking handlers to reconcile their sandboxes
2016-12-10 18:30:26:265 860 1390 IdleTmr Incremented idle timer priority operation counter to 1
2016-12-10 18:30:28:578 860 1390 AU Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API
2016-12-10 18:30:28:578 860 1390 AU Triggering Online detection (interactive)
2016-12-10 18:30:28:609 860 1354 AU #############
2016-12-10 18:30:28:609 860 1354 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2016-12-10 18:30:28:609 860 1354 AU #########
2016-12-10 18:30:28:609 860 1354 SLS Retrieving SLS response from server...
2016-12-10 18:30:28:625 860 1354 SLS Making request with URL
2016-12-10 18:30:29:500 860 1354 Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SLS\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\sls.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2016-12-10 18:30:29:531 860 1354 Misc Microsoft signed: NA
2016-12-10 18:30:29:531 860 1354 Misc Infrastructure signed: Yes
2016-12-10 18:30:29:547 860 1354 Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SLS\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\TMP3686.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2016-12-10 18:30:29:578 860 1354 Misc Microsoft signed: NA
2016-12-10 18:30:29:578 860 1354 Misc Infrastructure signed: Yes
2016-12-10 18:30:29:609 860 1354 EP Got 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 redir SecondaryServiceAuth URL: "117cab2d-82b1-4b5a-a08c-4d62dbee7782"
2016-12-10 18:30:29:625 860 1354 SLS Retrieving SLS response from server...
2016-12-10 18:30:29:625 860 1354 SLS Making request with URL
2016-12-10 18:30:29:891 860 1354 Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SLS\117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782\sls.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2016-12-10 18:30:29:922 860 1354 Misc Microsoft signed: NA
2016-12-10 18:30:29:922 860 1354 Misc Infrastructure signed: Yes
2016-12-10 18:30:29:938 860 1354 Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SLS\117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782\TMP380E.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2016-12-10 18:30:29:969 860 1354 Misc Microsoft signed: NA
2016-12-10 18:30:29:969 860 1354 Misc Infrastructure signed: Yes
2016-12-10 18:30:30:734 860 1354 DtaStor Default service for AU is {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2016-12-10 18:30:30:734 860 1354 Agent Caller Service Recovery successfully opted in to service 117cab2d-82b1-4b5a-a08c-4d62dbee7782
2016-12-10 18:30:30:734 860 1354 SLS Retrieving SLS response from server using ETAG "4V8nqvoeoxgpu+6kKNNNGpLr4BCvPTmaz82CIDm5o5g=_1440"...
2016-12-10 18:30:30:734 860 1354 SLS Making request with URL
2016-12-10 18:30:30:911 860 1354 EP Got 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 redir SecondaryServiceAuth URL: "7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d"
2016-12-10 18:30:30:911 860 1354 SLS Retrieving SLS response from server...
2016-12-10 18:30:30:911 860 1354 SLS Making request with URL
2016-12-10 18:30:31:177 860 1354 Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SLS\7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D\sls.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2016-12-10 18:30:31:208 860 1354 Misc Microsoft signed: NA
2016-12-10 18:30:31:208 860 1354 Misc Infrastructure signed: Yes
2016-12-10 18:30:31:224 860 1354 Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SLS\7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D\TMP3D10.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2016-12-10 18:30:31:239 860 1354 Misc Microsoft signed: NA
2016-12-10 18:30:31:239 860 1354 Misc Infrastructure signed: Yes
2016-12-10 18:30:31:442 860 1354 DtaStor Default service for AU is {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2016-12-10 18:30:31:442 860 1354 Agent Caller Service Recovery successfully opted in to service 7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d
2016-12-10 18:30:31:458 860 1354 DtaStor Update service properties: service registered with AU is {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}
2016-12-10 18:30:31:458 860 1354 AU Additional Service {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782} with Approval type {Pre-download notify} added to AU services list
2016-12-10 18:30:31:458 860 1354 AU Additional Service {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782} with Approval type {Pre-download notify} added to AU services list
2016-12-10 18:30:31:458 860 1354 AU WARNING: BeginDetection failed, hr:0x8024a000
2016-12-10 18:30:31:458 860 1354 AU All AU searches complete.
2016-12-10 18:30:31:458 860 1354 AU # WARNING: Failed to find updates with error code 8024a000
2016-12-10 18:30:31:520 860 1354 AU AU setting next detection timeout to 2016-12-11 07:30:31
2016-12-10 18:30:31:567 860 1354 AU Additional Service {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782} with Approval type {Pre-download notify} added to AU services list
2016-12-10 18:30:31:567 860 1354 AU Additional Service {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782} with Approval type {Pre-download notify} added to AU services list
2016-12-10 18:30:33:887 860 174c AU Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API
2016-12-10 18:30:33:887 860 174c AU Additional Service {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782} with Approval type {Pre-download notify} added to AU services list
2016-12-10 18:30:33:887 860 174c AU Triggering Online detection (interactive)
2016-12-10 18:30:33:887 860 1354 AU #############
2016-12-10 18:30:33:887 860 1354 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2016-12-10 18:30:33:887 860 1354 AU #########
2016-12-10 18:30:33:887 860 1354 AU Additional Service {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782} with Approval type {Pre-download notify} added to AU services list
2016-12-10 18:30:33:903 860 1354 IdleTmr WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 1) started; operation # 17; does use network; is not at background priority
2016-12-10 18:30:33:903 860 1354 IdleTmr Incremented PDC RefCount for Network to 1
2016-12-10 18:30:33:903 860 1354 IdleTmr Incremented idle timer priority operation counter to 2
2016-12-10 18:30:34:856 860 1354 Report *********** Report: Initializing static reporting data ***********
2016-12-10 18:30:34:856 860 1354 Report * OS Version = 6.3.9600.0.0.65792
2016-12-10 18:30:34:856 860 1354 Report * OS Product Type = 0x00000061
2016-12-10 18:30:34:903 860 1354 Report * Computer Brand = Microsoft
2016-12-10 18:30:34:903 860 1354 Report * Computer Model = Surface with Windows RT
2016-12-10 18:30:34:903 860 1354 Report * Platform Role = 8
2016-12-10 18:30:34:903 860 1354 Report * AlwaysOn/AlwaysConnected (AOAC) = 1
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 1354 Report * Bios Revision = v3.31.500
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 1354 Report * Bios Name = v3.31.500
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 1354 Report * Bios Release Date = 2014-01-24T00:00:00
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 1354 Report * Bios Sku Number = Surface_RT_1_IDP
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 1354 Report * Bios Vendor = NVIDIA
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 1354 Report * Bios Family = Surface
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 1354 Report * Bios Major Release = 31
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 1354 Report * Bios Minor Release = 244
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 1354 Report * Locale ID = 1033
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 1354 Agent *** START *** Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp Id = 1]
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 1354 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {79E0EE59-AF36-4FF9-9DD8-580C51980B59} ServiceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}]
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 12ac Agent *** END *** Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp Id = 1]
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 12ac Agent *************
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 12ac Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp Id = 1]
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 12ac Agent *********
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 12ac Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 12ac Agent * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 12ac Agent * ServiceID = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} Third party service
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 12ac Agent * Search Scope = {Machine & All Users}
2016-12-10 18:30:34:918 860 12ac Agent * Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-21-523326252-2309097097-2757716153-1001
2016-12-10 18:30:34:934 860 12ac EP Got 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 redir SecondaryServiceAuth URL: "7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d"
2016-12-10 18:30:34:950 860 12ac EP Got 7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D redir Client/Server URL: "
2016-12-10 18:30:34:965 860 12ac Setup Checking for agent SelfUpdate
2016-12-10 18:30:34:965 860 12ac Setup Client version: Core: 7.9.9600.17031 Aux: 7.9.9600.17031
2016-12-10 18:30:34:965 860 12ac EP Got 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 redir SelfUpdate URL: "
2016-12-10 18:30:35:340 860 12ac Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\wuident.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2016-12-10 18:30:35:372 860 12ac Misc Microsoft signed: NA
2016-12-10 18:30:35:372 860 12ac Misc Infrastructure signed: Yes
2016-12-10 18:30:35:387 860 12ac Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\TMP4D4D.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2016-12-10 18:30:35:418 860 12ac Misc Microsoft signed: NA
2016-12-10 18:30:35:418 860 12ac Misc Infrastructure signed: Yes
2016-12-10 18:30:35:418 860 12ac Setup FATAL: GetClientUpdateUrl failed, err = 0x8024D009
2016-12-10 18:30:35:434 860 12ac Setup Skipping SelfUpdate check based on the /SKIP directive in wuident
2016-12-10 18:30:35:434 860 12ac Setup SelfUpdate check completed. SelfUpdate is NOT required.
2016-12-10 18:30:36:952 860 12ac PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server updates +++++++++++
2016-12-10 18:30:36:952 860 12ac PT + ServiceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, Server URL =
2016-12-10 18:30:37:296 860 12ac PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or new PID is available
2016-12-10 18:30:37:359 860 12ac Agent Reading cached app categories using lifetime 604800 seconds
2016-12-10 18:30:37:452 860 12ac Agent Read 1 cached app categories
2016-12-10 18:41:44:918 860 12ac PT + SyncUpdates round trips: 155
2016-12-10 18:41:46:778 860 12ac Agent WARNING: Dependent set bundle changed; forcing resync
2016-12-10 18:43:15:815 860 12ac PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing extended update info +++++++++++
2016-12-10 18:43:15:815 860 12ac PT + ServiceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, Server URL =
2016-12-10 18:43:27:706 860 12ac DtaStor WARNING: Attempted to add URL
http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._2e97ac8017d2da725aa2b76e4256b3c32c77b626.cab for file LpesgBfS2nJaorduQlazwyx3tiY= when file has not been previously added to the datastore
2016-12-10 18:43:27:722 860 12ac DtaStor WARNING: Attempted to add URL
http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._31e398702b63d85eb9bde36ac17ea96367aef458.cab for file MeOYcCtj2F65veNqwX6pY2eu9Fg= when file has not been previously added to the datastore
2016-12-10 18:43:27:722 860 12ac DtaStor WARNING: Attempted to add URL
http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._4041883cedbbf72cbdad24632c4053d7eca39e6e.cab for file QEGIPO279yy9rSRjLEBT1+yjnm4= when file has not been previously added to the datastore
2016-12-10 18:43:27:722 860 12ac DtaStor WARNING: Attempted to add URL
http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._8af94a7b99670da07c14ec58cd8f5843cf08e39b.cab for file ivlKe5lnDaB8FOxYzY9YQ88I45s= when file has not been previously added to the datastore
2016-12-10 18:43:27:722 860 12ac DtaStor WARNING: Attempted to add URL
http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._991991e8e068b024a01986910462006253ed5ef0.cab for file mRmR6OBosCSgGYaRBGIAYlPtXvA= when file has not been previously added to the datastore
2016-12-10 18:43:27:722 860 12ac DtaStor WARNING: Attempted to add URL
http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._be96a8666c1ecb84aff953addcd1ed388a423934.cab for file vpaoZmwey4Sv+VOt3NHtOIpCOTQ= when file has not been previously added to the datastore
2016-12-10 18:43:27:722 860 12ac DtaStor WARNING: Attempted to add URL
http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._fe8002f498791e82426d92a09df3ddd24c06d476.cab for file /oAC9Jh5HoJCbZKgnfPd0kwG1HY= when file has not been previously added to the datastore
2016-12-10 18:43:27:722 860 12ac DtaStor WARNING: Attempted to add URL
http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._1efbfc0af0100c677dc153ec0d0c753691c17212.cab for file Hvv8CvAQDGd9wVPsDQx1NpHBchI= when file has not been previously added to the datastore
2016-12-10 18:43:27:722 860 12ac DtaStor WARNING: Attempted to add URL
http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._525eafb913839d1490cfcca94cf5ea4facd26c3d.cab for file Ul6vuRODnRSQz8ypTPXqT6zSbD0= when file has not been previously added to the datastore
2016-12-10 18:43:27:722 860 12ac DtaStor WARNING: Attempted to add URL
http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._5a255df3459080e7a1051617417d6d408e2b595b.cab for file WiVd80WQgOehBRYXQX1tQI4rWVs= when file has not been previously added to the datastore
2016-12-10 18:43:27:722 860 12ac DtaStor WARNING: Attempted to add URL
http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._8f8c88271fe1ea4bb95b0c333d6c4b6a99c7f816.cab for file j4yIJx/h6ku5WwwzPWxLapnH+BY= when file has not been previously added to the datastore
2016-12-10 18:43:27:722 860 12ac DtaStor WARNING: Attempted to add URL
http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._9cb5f532dc846274a662ce0627226445b4519463.cab for file nLX1MtyEYnSmYs4GJyJkRbRRlGM= when file has not been previously added to the dat
ok I had to edit some of it cause there is like 100s of lines of that DtaStor Warning stuff....
2016-12-10 18:43:31:363 860 12ac Agent Server changed and need resyncing with server
2016-12-10 18:43:33:675 860 12ac PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server updates +++++++++++
2016-12-10 18:43:33:675 860 12ac PT + ServiceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, Server URL =
2016-12-10 18:43:43:004 860 12ac PT + SyncUpdates round trips: 2