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My Touch Keyboard broke??


I did a full reset about a week ago, or so, my keyboard was fine, the touch2 black.
I noticed lastnight during a reset it was updating something, didn't think about it until today at work. My keyboard is not responding at all.. When I detach and reattach it makes the noise and the keyboard lights up.

that's it though, completely no action, no mouse no keys.

Any thoughts?

Actually, my friend here at work has a Surface RT with the touch keyboard 1, (My original I sold him) I just tried his keyboard on my Surface 2, and guess what.. Not working. So its not the keyboard but the Tablet itself.
I did a refresh, not a reformat just a refresh and it seems to be working.. although I did get an error in the middle.. blue screen, saying something went wrong it needs to reset.
I had to do a hard reset ..

Seriously, why is this forums so slow?
I did a refresh, not a reformat just a refresh and it seems to be working.. although I did get an error in the middle.. blue screen, saying something went wrong it needs to reset.
I had to do a hard reset ..

Seriously, why is this forums so slow?

Glad you got it working, but seriously, saying the forums are slow because you didn't get a response in two hours? That's a bit unreasonable.
2 hours?? LOL It 8 hours till you finally responded :) anyway, guess what!!!

Keyboard isn't working ONCE AGAIN!!!

WTF!! Is going on here?? Seriously, I'm not doing another refresh/format, I simply refuse to do this every month or so.

Any solutions?
Look buddy, a trip to hell ah I mean the Microsoft store will do it. Just complain, they agree and nod "yes yes" and give you a new one within minutes! Microsoft have got money to burn.