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New Firmware Question


New Member
Hi all,

I own a SP2 in the UK, and back in October when the "old" firmware was released, I managed to get it installed without failing and all was fine. Since, I noticed a few random reboots (reset default boot keys etc) and I got to wondering.

I seem to recall that particular firmware being "pulled" only to be re-jigged and later released a couple of days ago? Is that about the size of it?

If so, I'm a little worried as I have no such Firmware update available and I'm wondering whether that's because my SP2 is considered "upgraded" to the firmware.

Is the Oct'13 and Jan'14 firmware identical?

Any thoughts on the above - hope it makes sense as I'm a little tired!
You can get your actual FW versions:
Device Mangler -> Firmware -> [choose 1] -> Properties -> Details -> Property -> Hardware ids

The driver tab will get you the same information _as long as_ someone didn't attempt a rollback. In other words, the more obvious driver tab is not guaranteed to be accurate, even though usually it is.
The december update is the one that was pulled, October was fine. Not everyone is getting the new January update just yet it seems, cant find criteria as to who and why.
The december update is the one that was pulled, October was fine
No, the October update was NOT fine, it was full of bugs too (I know - random reboots were something that I suffered from since Day One) - that's why there was an attempted December update!
The december update is the one that was pulled, October was fine. Not everyone is getting the new January update just yet it seems, cant find criteria as to who and why.

Yeah my surface has downs, my dec update failed, and I havent got the update...