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I am in need of some advice .... I have the Surface Pro and the Docking station...

My question is:
If I open up the "Skype" app and then enable the "Sleep" mode, then put it back in the Docking Station. Now if my son skype's me a couple hours later ( or 3 days later ), will the Surface Pro notify me when he tries to skype me ?

I think it should work because when it is plugged in or docked it stays in "connected standby" and so when your son calls it should ring.. but don't take my word for it as I'm not 100% sure... I'm sure others will know and chime in
Um, point of clarification... If four hours pass and the device transitions into hibernation you would not get notifications correct??? OR do we have Connected Hibernate??? Perhaps I've missed something.
Bummer :(:(:(:( I was hoping that I could get the same functionality as my Blackberry Playbook. I use it as a video phone. I keep it in a docking station waiting for a "video chat" from my son who lives 4 hours away. While it is in the cradle , it waits for any video chats, then notifies me when necessary ( hours, days ,weeks or months later )

The reason why I am hoping that the Surface Pro would have the same functionality , is that Blackberry is not supporting the Playbook anymore.
@ greyfox no! when the device is plugged in or docked, it stays in connected stand by like I said in my previous post.... so even if its the day after you can still get a call on Skype... that's what happened with my device when my GF called the next morning and I still got the ring notification? also why would you disable connected stand by when you want that to stay on? do you know what connected stand by is? connected stand buy lets the SP3 turn off but still receive all your emails and/or push notifications to your SP3 and doesn't allow your SP3 to go into hibernate.
does the OP have a surface pro 3? I assumed he had the original surface pro which doesn't have connected standby?
does the OP have a surface pro 3? I assumed he had the original surface pro which doesn't have connected standby?
That is true, I didn't notice that this was posted in the SP Forum, if you are using a SP or SP2 you would need to disable Sleep while plugged in...
doh! didn't even notice that either LOL so used to the SP3 being discussed that I just assume that's what we're talking about :oops: