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stickerboy wedge mouse


Active Member
I know they're not super popular here but I LOVE my surface edition wedge mouse for its portability. I asked stickerboy if they'd make a side wrap for it to match my surface. just a small enhancement but I think it looks great!! :)

I know they're not super popular here but I LOVE my surface edition wedge mouse

Bert --

Actually, they are, but the complainers make more noise than those of us who like it. I bought two -- one for me and one for Ladyfriend. She loves it.

Good looking setup!

Take care,
the shape of the wedge takes a little bit of getting used to but it didn't take me long. I think it's a great device. especially with the side scrolling. :)

Nice 12C man...

actually, it's a 15C and it's about a million years old!! :) I have two of them and they're both still in perfect shape!! they don't make electronics the way they used to. these things last forever.
actually, it's a 15C and it's about a million years old!! :) I have two of them and they're both still in perfect shape!

Bert --

I have the 12C. Also have two of them. Used to be one for home, one for office; now, I keep one on my desk and one in my travel bag. Both of them still work great.

Take care,

Luv the skin but hate the mouse! LOL it doesn't look comfortable at all...sorry, I am really fussy about my mice, I even tried those Microsoft ergonomic mice and I find they suck, like in the pic...the look cool but not very comfortable oh and I also hate the scroll thingy as its stationary and doesn't spin like normal mice does.

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beman39 what mouse do you use then? As I'm very fussy too! Have tried 4-5 this year and nothing's been perfect. At the moment I'm trying the Sculpt Comfort Mouse but I find the thumb position for the buttons awkward. I'm looking forward to maybe trying out the Sculpt Ergonomic Mouse when it's released here in the UK.

OP: It's not a look I'd go for personally (love naked devices!) but, it does have a certain appeal. Kinda cool :) and different!
I think we are using the same mouse mouse ATM? (is it the Bluetooth one?) as I don't wanna tie up the usb with a mouse adapter, not greatest mouse but it gets the job done...for now. But I have looked on ebay and nothing peeks my interest as there isn't much out there that doesn't charge outlandish prices for shipping anyways, I mean CMON! how much does it cost to ship a bloody mouse? def not $24.99 which I've seen a lot!
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Yes I think you're right. Well, the search continues lol...

Still hope that one day Microsoft release a trackpad (kinda makes sense for Windows 8 doesn't it?) I bought my girlfriend one for her Mac a while back and I absolutely love it. I know there are third party ones released for Windows but not heard the best reviews for any of those.
I know they're not super popular here but I LOVE my surface edition wedge mouse for its portability. I asked stickerboy if they'd make a side wrap for it to match my surface. just a small enhancement but I think it looks great!! :)

View attachment 1026
wow looks great !!
i skinned my phone with them .. teal and white anti
i used promo code KITTY and they gave me 5% off my order (=


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very cool!! :) I skinned my iPhone 5 with stickerboy to match the surface. didn't hold up quite as well as the surface skin cuz the iPhone gets handled and tossed around a lot more. not gonna skin the old iPhone anymore with the 6 coming out soon, can't wait!! :)