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stylus has become WAY off!


Active Member
I don't know how this happened but gradually my stylus seems to be far off alignment now. This is strange. The closer I go to the bottom left of the tablet the more aligned it is, the more I go up and to the right the further aligned it is. At its worst, it's several cm off where it should be.

I've read around and was told to recalibrate and I attempted to do so twice. The first time I recalibrated I had to revert back to default because the stylus was way off (as if it had inverted the calibration). The second time I calibrated I didn't notice any improvements.

This all started happening after my pen seemed to stop working on and off for several days. Think it has something to do with that?
I think the pen or the digitizer is faulty
Try a different pen (of course, recalibrate it for that), if that doesn't help, then the digitizer of your Surface Pro 2 sounds to be faulty and your device needs to be replaced.
Before going through the replacement process, try restarting the Wacom service. What you are experiencing sounds vaguely close to what I experienced about a month ago. Hope it helps.
I've had this happen with the wacom driver once. On the wacom website it instructs you to delete your calibration and re calibrate. Just re calibrating without deleting the previous calibration did not fix it.

To do it, go to ISD Tablet and click Change in Programs and Features in Control Panel. A window will open where you can delete all your wacom settings. Then re calibrate.