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Surface Book 2016 improvements

if the "clipboard" was just a surface i would be all in. at least they should have put a usb on the "clipboard"
I would imagine a merging of the two product lines in the future. Surface tablets, with kickstands and ports, in multiple sizes with option of hard dock or type cover.

Edit: The hard dock would have option of GPU as well.

I don't think the target markets are that different for these two devices. I think there are many out there who want the option of a tablet with a kickstand as well as the ability to use it as a full blown laptop.
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one can hope. a docking station with a gpu.....just take my money

They should've just done this for SP4. Why they went with a separate all new, less useful design on Book is perplexing. They could've had amazing piece of tech there, instead it's a HUGELY compromised tablet mode. Only 4 hrs. battery and no stand takes away from the Surface form factor.
Mainly due to power draw and heat, LTE generates quite a bit of hear....

And also more battery. 2 good reasons.

iPad manages LTE/4G with no extra battery use.
Microsoft's specs for Surface 3 are (typically, sigh) vague but there is no difference I can find from them between the non-LTE and LTE versions.

Also I wouldn't think heat is an issue, they must have a solution that worked for Surface 3.
iPad manages LTE/4G with no extra battery use.
Microsoft's specs for Surface 3 are (typically, sigh) vague but there is no difference I can find from them between the non-LTE and LTE versions.

Also I wouldn't think heat is an issue, they must have a solution that worked for Surface 3.
iPad and Surface 3 are both fanless and use a SoC that generate far less heat than a Core CPU and are much more efficient. It is possible that the Opening Price Point Core M could be equipped with LTE.
iPad and Surface 3 are both fanless and use a SoC that generate far less heat than a Core CPU

Yes but you were talking about the power draw/heat from LTE chip, not the CPU.

In fact I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to connect a heat pipe from the LTE chip to the fan in Pro models too to help cool it.
It has 2 full USB 3.0 ports. Why not just plug a LTE dongle in and you're good? Or better yet tether off your smartphone? I don't understand this burning need for LTE-enabled laptops.

well, for SP, maybe yes. for SB, maybe not. yes, we can use dongle, but my colleague think that is dangling outside no good. can't argue.
Yes but you were talking about the power draw/heat from LTE chip, not the CPU.

In fact I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to connect a heat pipe from the LTE chip to the fan in Pro models too to help cool it.
I'm telling you what the engineering team told me, that putting LTE into a Pro device with a fan was not in their plans due to power draw and heat, it has everything to do with the CPU and Chipset....