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Surface Pro 2 Wifi


New Member
i'm using a Surface Pro2 and have a problem with my wifi.
Im surfing in the web all looks great my speed is up to 130MBit/s. Now I want to copy something from my server. It's connectet via cable 1.0 GBit/s. With other devices I have no problem.
My speed is going down on the Surface from 130MBit/s ==> 11MBit/s or 5MBit/s. When the file is copied the speed is going up again.
Surface is up to date.
I tried it with different routers always the same.
I heard about the bluetooth bug. Bluetooth is off. I also disabled the bluetooth modul in the control panel. I think it's something other than bluetooth.
Is it the speed that is dropping, or is it writing speed to your micro sd card?

I have wifi AC and BT enabled. Wifi connection speed always arround 800 Mbit. Copying to internal storage is fast, when copying to microsd writing speed is half of internal storage ;)

And I'm only using 5 GHz
Both ways speed is going down. I am not copying to microsd or internal ssd. I am copy the files from and to my server (local area network). I don't have any problem with the wifi from my homenetwork. I checked it with other devices. Only with the Surface speed is going down and up.