I have a problem when I try to boot my surface pro 4 and it only gets as far as the surface logo and then cuts out a second later. Here is the history of what happened……….
A few days ago I used my surface pro to copy a few photos onto the desktop from my iPhone. I am pretty certain I did this using battery power and then just left the surface to go to sleep (without plugging it in again).
When I woke the surface up (around 3 hours later) it shut down suddenly every time I tried to perform an operation (such as opening a word document).
I kept rebooting it and windows was opening up but I noticed that the clock was around 3 hours out (and was set to roughly the time the surface would have gone to sleep). When I hovered over the power icon it said “plugged in not charging”.
I performed a soft re-set ect and the same problem kept happening (every time I tried to open an application it cut out)
Now I cannot even boot up windows at all. When I press the power button the surface logo appears but the power quickly cuts out. When I try the same on battery power nothing happens at all and I don’t even get the surface logo.
I have tried 3 new power cables and the same thing happens. I have left it to charge for 4 hours before trying again and the same thing happens. I’ve also tried draining the battery for 24 hours but, again, the same problem occurs.
I have taken it to a local repair shop and they were unwilling to open the surface up as they think they would break the screen. They did do a voltage test though and confirmed that the machine was receiving the 12v charge.
Since I was still able to boot windows after this problem first started presenting itself, I am hopeful that the SSD is still intact as I was still able to open files etc, it’s just it kept cutting out. The “plugged in not charging” message I originally saw made me think that the battery needed to be charging for the system to operate, hence I thought this is why it went from being able to load up windows (with the last of it’s charge) to not even getting past the surface logo. I am told, however, that so long as the unit is plugged in it should work whether the battery is being charged or not.
I have also tried using a recovery USB stick but the machine doesn’t stay on long enough for it to be recognised.
My main concern is that I have data that hasn’t been backed up so I am reluctant to send the machine to Microsoft as I know they will just automatically wipe it. Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be wrong here or what diagnostics need to be run to see if the machine can be saved?
A few days ago I used my surface pro to copy a few photos onto the desktop from my iPhone. I am pretty certain I did this using battery power and then just left the surface to go to sleep (without plugging it in again).
When I woke the surface up (around 3 hours later) it shut down suddenly every time I tried to perform an operation (such as opening a word document).
I kept rebooting it and windows was opening up but I noticed that the clock was around 3 hours out (and was set to roughly the time the surface would have gone to sleep). When I hovered over the power icon it said “plugged in not charging”.
I performed a soft re-set ect and the same problem kept happening (every time I tried to open an application it cut out)
Now I cannot even boot up windows at all. When I press the power button the surface logo appears but the power quickly cuts out. When I try the same on battery power nothing happens at all and I don’t even get the surface logo.
I have tried 3 new power cables and the same thing happens. I have left it to charge for 4 hours before trying again and the same thing happens. I’ve also tried draining the battery for 24 hours but, again, the same problem occurs.
I have taken it to a local repair shop and they were unwilling to open the surface up as they think they would break the screen. They did do a voltage test though and confirmed that the machine was receiving the 12v charge.
Since I was still able to boot windows after this problem first started presenting itself, I am hopeful that the SSD is still intact as I was still able to open files etc, it’s just it kept cutting out. The “plugged in not charging” message I originally saw made me think that the battery needed to be charging for the system to operate, hence I thought this is why it went from being able to load up windows (with the last of it’s charge) to not even getting past the surface logo. I am told, however, that so long as the unit is plugged in it should work whether the battery is being charged or not.
I have also tried using a recovery USB stick but the machine doesn’t stay on long enough for it to be recognised.
My main concern is that I have data that hasn’t been backed up so I am reluctant to send the machine to Microsoft as I know they will just automatically wipe it. Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be wrong here or what diagnostics need to be run to see if the machine can be saved?