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Surface reboots on Sign Off


New Member
I have 2 accounts set up on my Surface, using different Outlook accounts.

The first one I set up will ALWAYS reset the system when logging off. The second logs off properly without a reset.

Any clue what I can do to figure out what is happening? I could delete and rebuild the account, I've installed about a dozen apps but its not that big a deal to get them back. This is not a local account, is it possible that whatever is causing the problem will now be associated with that Outlook.com account?

Thanks in advance,
Hi Lou,

It sounds like your idea of removing and adding the account again is the easiest thing to try first. Most likely there was a glitch in setting up the account and it seems reasonable that redoing it will fix the issue.
Well, I restored the surface to the factory default, and created an account with the same user.... and the problem still exists. :( There is another oddity with this account, where comming back from the lock screen I have to click on the lock screen (and not just swipe up on the screen) or the mouse cursor disappears. Wonder if there is anything else I just haven't noticed yet. And it is only on this account.

It has to be something in the profile information that is saved to the outlook account (skydrive?) that the surface account is tied to. Is there some way I can access that info, or just blow it away completely and start over? The reason I set that outlook account up was for Win8 use, I'd kinda like to use it if I can. :)

Thanks in advance,
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.. so then I started talking to Microsoft. And as usual, the front of my forehead is now flat from pounding it against the desk....

Since the problem survived a factory reset, and that because I was using a Microsoft account (not a local account), one would think that the problem exists in a profile that is stored somewhere tied to that Microsoft account. Sound logical? It is not on SkyDrive, but somewhere in the cloud there is a Windows8 profile attached to that outlook.com account. I couldn't convince "Deighton J" at Surface support of that however...

He had me change the name of my Microsoft account to see if that solved the problem, which of course it did not - it just took the problem with it. The account I was using was an outlook.com account, and I had to change it to a live.com or hotmail. com address. There is no option to change it back to an outlook.com account, and I can't create a new account under the old name at outlook.com because it has already been used.

So it looks like I am back to where I started... Starting over with a newly-created Microsoft account, because the existing account has a defective Windows8 profile attached to it.

One suggestion a different MS tech support person gave me was to create the initial account as a local account. Then after that create Microsoft-based user accounts after that. Perhaps I will try after I give my Surface another factory reset...
