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Surface RT for work


New Member
I own an hp envy x2, a windows 8 (now windows 8.1) hybrid. So, recently I switched career from IT to engineering. Got a job at an engineering firm as an engineer.

So, long story short, after working on the job for a while, I realized that a lot of the procedures are really archaic. Why, you ask, does a major engineering firm so far behind as far as tech goes? Because it's run by a bunch of old grumpy engineers. For example, half of our computers still run on xp. A lot of things are still done by hand. In fact, some older guys prefer to do their designs entirely by hand instead of using one of the various CAD programs out there. They've been in the company forever, so people just leave them alone.

Anyway, I started working on a metro app for my personal use to do calculations and automate a lot of the processes that come with the job. See, some times I have to go out to the field and do inspection work to make sure the contractors are doing what they're suppose to. And it involves me checking their work, make calculations of my own, and submit reports.

Anyway, so instead of submitting calculations done by hand like everybody else, I started submitting printouts from the app I've been working on as parts of my reports. My supervisor started noticing them. One day, he had me come in and explain to him what I've been using. I took out my envy x2 and showed him my work. He became really intrigued and said this might be bigger than I thought. If what I'm working on works out, he will buy everyone in the office a tablet for field work. He then asked me which tablet I would recommend. I said the Microsoft surface (been eying it for a while).

The next day, while I was inspecting one of the structures that our contractors have been working on, my supervisor came by. I noticed his arm was wrapping around something. Holy cow, it was a surface 2. I recommended it the night before and the next morning he bought it. Later, he asked me to install the metro app I was developing on his surface 2 and he started using it in the field for testing purposes.

Ever since, he's been giving me very helpful suggestions.

Anyway, just now, I just ordered a used surface rt from amazon. So, watch out, MS. My company might start ordering surface 2's for our people.

My question to you guys is this. See, the reason I chose the surface rt is because of its durability. Engineering field work can be rough some times. You guys think I made the right choice by recommending the surface to my company?

The reason I decided to develop in the metro environment is because I've developed for iOS and android and they always seemed half-cooked to me. Windows 8/RT seems solid for me.
I think you made a great suggestion, You may want to look into some type of protective case like the Incipo Feather Lite or their handle case.
Nice story!!! But seriously, OP, why would you even ask that question!!!! It is a great decision in the sense that you demonstrated the flexibility of the device and how it can be applied to a specific work-related scenario. Btw, if I were you, I'd ask my boss to buy me a Surface 2 rather than scouring Amazon or wherever for a Surface RT. After all, it is you who came up with the design of the app and made the suggestion!!!!
Nice story!!! But seriously, OP, why would you even ask that question!!!! It is a great decision in the sense that you demonstrated the flexibility of the device and how it can be applied to a specific work-related scenario. Btw, if I were you, I'd ask my boss to buy me a Surface 2 rather than scouring Amazon or wherever for a Surface RT. After all, it is you who came up with the design of the app and made the suggestion!!!!

True. Let me have a chat with my boss next week. If things go well, I'll simply return or sell the used surface rt.

About the case, I plan to have the surface inside this guy while I'm out in the field doing inspection work.

I guess I'm kinda wimpy right now, considering I'm still the new guy on the block.
Nice to see a really practical use for the Surface in the field! Hope your app development goes well and keep us posted.
Yes, very good to hear.

ChemCat, I remember some of you earlier post about WinRT development; pretty scary stuff. How has it been now that you have more mileage under the belt, and a non-virtual device on hand?
Yes, very good to hear.

ChemCat, I remember some of you earlier post about WinRT development; pretty scary stuff. How has it been now that you have more mileage under the belt, and a non-virtual device on hand?

Haha, ya, it was scary back then. At the time, I was still new to metro development. The reason I moved into it was because I was kinda mad at android. No matter how high end, how classy, how expensive an android device was, it still felt like half-cooked. I must have gone through a dozen different android tablets before I gave up.

Windows at least is a well made system. For once, there is a tablet OS that's touch oriented and made not solely for facebook. I don't even have a facebook account. It's sad to see people spending hundreds of dollars on a device so they can use it for facebook.
Haha, ya, it was scary back then. At the time, I was still new to metro development. The reason I moved into it was because I was kinda mad at android. No matter how high end, how classy, how expensive an android device was, it still felt like half-cooked. I must have gone through a dozen different android tablets before I gave up.

Windows at least is a well made system. For once, there is a tablet OS that's touch oriented and made not solely for facebook. I don't even have a facebook account. It's sad to see people spending hundreds of dollars on a device so they can use it for facebook.

Yup... completely empathize with that... and why only Facebook... this whole social networking concept is odious...
So, I got my surface rt. I'll be using it in the field soon.

I had a talk with my boss. For now, he's using his personal surface 2, and I'll be using my surface rt. He's still got responsibility to he company, and he doesn't want to rock the boat too much. Again, we got plenty of grumpy old engineers that are anti-technology here.

On a side note, I ordered a blue touch cover and got a pink one. The dealer is very apologetic and is sending a replacement. If it doesn't come by Monday, I'll be using the pink one temporarily at work. I wanna see people's faces when they see me with a pink tablet hehe.
So, I got my surface rt. I'll be using it in the field soon.

I had a talk with my boss. For now, he's using his personal surface 2, and I'll be using my surface rt. He's still got responsibility to he company, and he doesn't want to rock the boat too much. Again, we got plenty of grumpy old engineers that are anti-technology here.

On a side note, I ordered a blue touch cover and got a pink one. The dealer is very apologetic and is sending a replacement. If it doesn't come by Monday, I'll be using the pink one temporarily at work. I wanna see people's faces when they see me with a pink tablet hehe.

More importantly, did your boss agree to getting you a Surface 2? You really need to get it!
More importantly, did your boss agree to getting you a Surface 2? You really need to get it!

I didn't ask. For now, I'm more comfortable with my own device. Remember that right now it is still a personal venture. He and I also discussed about this. After I had field tested it and all, I want to make money out of it. If the company gets a surface 2 for me and I work on company time on this, then everything I create will belong to the company.

I only spent 300 total for my surface rt and the touch cover. In a year, when my app is more fully developed, it could be a gold mine for me. Why throw that away to get a fancy surface 2 now?
At the risk of stating the obvious:

Development, and intellectual property ownership, along those lines can be tricky. A verbal agreement may not be enough, especially if your Salary/Job Description contains any programming hint. Might be worth investing in legal counsel, just to be sure.