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Symbolic Links


New Member
Hello, I just joined and find this to be a great forum!

I have a Surface RT 32GB and am trying to create symbolic links to a NAS (WD Mybook live Duo 4TB) for the music library. I run the mklink /D command and I get "The system cannot find the path specified."

Here is my full syntax: mklink /D "C:\Public\Shared Music" "\\\Public\Shared Music"

I have tried using the drive letter and drive name for the NAS, but get the same error.

I am running the command prompt as administrator and have created the appropriate directory and added to the library, then deleted the directory.

Any thoughts?

IIRC - Symbolic Links are not supported on Network Storage, if it was a iSCSI device that would work...
Thanks for your reply Jeff.

It worked on both my Win 8 desktop and laptop, and I've seen internet articles to the effect that it will work on RT, and comments saying that it had worked....
Even if you are able to create the symbolic link, Windows Search will refuse to index its contents.

jeff, symbolic links do work, it's the indexing service that won't.

The music app can navigate to my WD900 Central and Synology, so i don't bother with symbolic links.
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Yeah, not too worried about the indexing, I just want the apps to read my files off the network drives. Doe RT 8.1 allow libraries to read of NAS's?
In 8.1, it won't let you create the symbolic link, and maybe that is what Jeff meant. You can't add them to libraries as before.

But the Music app can read files off my WD900C and Synology, like in 8.0
In 8.1, it won't let you create the symbolic link, and maybe that is what Jeff meant. You can't add them to libraries as before.

But the Music app can read files off my WD900C and Synology, like in 8.0

Correct....sorry I'm being my OS-centric :)